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  • Pig Lane (Western Region)

    Clive Mortimore

    Pig Lane is a small diesel stabling point on the Berkshire and Oxfordshire boarder.

    It is modelled in the period after steam but before the locomotive fleet was renumbered with the then new TOPS numbers. All buildings are scratch or kit built, and all figures are scratchbuilt from Milliput. Locos and stock are RTR. I hope the layout show what can be done with RTR models.

    When operating I use a card system which determines which is the next loco to arrive or depart, I try to involve the visitors by getting them to chose the next card and for the children to suggest how I get an engine form one place to the other.

    It can be operated from either side. It is self supporting. Requires one power point, a small stock table and two chairs. I normally have a second operator with me. It all fits in my car so expenses are petrol for me and my mate. 

    It is 6 ft 8 1/2 ins long by 1 ft wide. It was built for a competition where the rules stated the scenic side should be 4 ft 8 1/2 ins and 1 ft wide with up to two square feet for the fiddle yard.   







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