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cornish trains jez

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Status Updates posted by cornish trains jez

  1. Beer festival today!

  2. Just watered the garden and now it's decided to chuck it down with rain!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. irishmail


      None here in the West of Ireland either.


    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      summer's a bummer

    4. Huw Griffiths
  3. Missed the opportunity to photograph the only freight down here on the Coastway West. As i arrived, it was leaving 4 minutes early! Why can't trains run to time!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      4 mins ? We cutting it a bit fine ? What was it anyway

    3. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Chichester to Merehead Quarry empties.

    4. rob D2
  4. Home made Dhansak tonight lovingly cooked for me by my wife. Yum!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Claude_Dreyfus
    3. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      The ostrich curry is excellent! Been in the banyan tree a few times. Those Japanese lagers are pretty strong in there!

    4. Claude_Dreyfus


      Ah yes, Japanese lager. Most acceptable...particularly with a Katsu curry.

  5. Spent a very pleasant couple of hours today at a BBQ in the company of John Vaughan

    1. bcnPete


      Nice one - hope he is enjoying retirement...even though we miss his books and pics!

  6. My 2 year old son loves watching my Bletchley 1987 DVD. He's going to be so disappointed when I take him to Bletchley one day and he sees the crap trains we have to put up with these days.

    1. sub39h


      It's definitely an interesting station though!

    2. newbryford


      I bet he'll be impressed by the noise that 350's make.....

  7. My 18 month old son has demanded that the modern traction archive "Bletchley Hotspot" DVD be played instead of "In the night garden". I had to give in!

  8. I've managed to download Templot onto my iMac! happy days!!

  9. Dapol MK3 blue grey HST buffet arrived today! Finally I have a full western region HST set!

  10. Happy new year RMweb!! Have the most amazing 2014!!

  11. Has man flu. Prescribed remedy: at least one hour twice daily at the modelling bench. Plenty of cups of tea to be made by senior management. Browsing on rmweb as required.

  12. Have just negotiated with senior management the full usage of our second bedroom for railway modelling purposes over the Christmas period! Result!!

    1. Metr0Land


      There'll be a cost to pay somewhere down the line....

    2. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Agreed, I can see a handful of jobs being presented to me!!

    3. 45059


      I ensured that the second bedroom was going to be for the railway when I bought the house!

  13. Up and ready to head up to the NEC for the Warley Exhibition.

  14. While the wife is out, I have a whole day of railway modelling ahead of me!

  15. No modelling this evening....Beer Festival!!

    1. Indomitable026


      good effort. well handled

  16. No modelling for three weeks now...must get some done this weekend!

  17. Agenda for tonight: Local pub, curry house, back to local pub. Simples!

  18. Is threading 2FS track for Par whilst enjoying homemade chocolate cake!

    1. 46444


      Does tha include pasties?

  19. Is considering converting Par station from N gauge to 2FS.

    1. Horsetan


      ....going from 1:148 to 1:152 :-)

    2. 46444


      I never saw that coming! :D Good move

    3. DavidLong
  20. A little parcel packed with 2FS track has turned up today!!

  21. I can feel a bit of modelling being done tonight!

  22. I can feel a bit of modelling being done tonight!

  23. Merry Christmas all. Have a great day!

  24. I have successfully saved and printed off my first turnout using templot!!

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      it gets addictive working with this thing - - - ooh that looks just like such'n'such if i do this. Two weeks later you realise you need ot look at the defence estates sales list cos you need a hangaer to hold the model of "York" you've designed. Well done chap.

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