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Status Updates posted by Chubber

  1. Even as Captain Tom lay in hospital fighting for life, a group of young men, who probably owe their existence to men like him, gathered together, unlawfully, to watch a football match endangering themselves and their families.
    They knew they were doing wrong, with the arrival of the police they jumped over a balcony and ran away.
    Cowardly, selfishly, no doubt alive with 'woke' sentiments and an over inflated belief in their own self entitlement, they deserve nothing but derision and scorn.

    See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-55895734

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    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Nothing "woke" about those selfish "individuals".


      They just sound like a bunch of jerks.



    3. Mallard60022


      Poor choice of word woke buddy. I think you may have been reading the wrong sort of news that sadly reflects you attitude.


    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I suspect that the word "woke" might have been a reference to certain opinions having become "trendy" amongst certain "individuals". However, I don't think there's anything remotely "woke" about the opinions in question, or the "individuals" who hold these opinions - noisome, selfish, self-important, "individuals" with an "I'm alright, Jack" mindset. One "character" with this sort of mindset has only recently left the Oval Office - but the less about that one, the better.



      In case anybody's wondering why I described certain "individuals" as "jerks", this wasn't entirely a nod to some of our friends in the USA, who might use this word to describe people they don't particularly like.


      I think it would be fair to suggest that the actions of a selfish minority have probably led to other people being infected by SARS-Cov-2. For a number of people, with degraded immune systems, getting infected in this way is likely to have been a death sentence.



      On an historical note, I understand that "jerk" and "wag" started off as references to murderers being hanged - in the process, their bodies would twist sideways and twitch.


      The sideways twisting was exploited by one method of hanging - they usually twisted in the same direction - so executioners would often arrange a noose so that the knot found its way under their "customer's" chin and snapped the neck / spinal cord, so they wouldn't be "hanging round" for a long time, being slowly strangled.


      Just so nobody gets the wrong idea, I'm personally opposed to the death penalty in any form - and I've got definite reasons for my opinions - but this is neither the time nor the place to air them.


      My only reason for mentioning this stuff was just to explain my choice of words in an earlier comment.

  2. BR 1960s steam in north-west (L and Y former territory).

    My garden.

    Hi, the L&Y is not my scene, as I like little and twee, but I do love my garden, mainly veggies!


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