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Status Updates posted by DonB

  1. Called at a local garden centre yesterday. Horrified to se that they had their Christmas display well under way to completion 

    Crafty blighters have sited it so that one needs to pass through to get to the Cafe and toilets .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Davexoc


      It doesn't stop there. LT Museum had Christmas stuff in their shop, and Card Factory is full of stuff.

      Wifey did buy the Lego and Playmobil sets for the grandchildren the other day, as last year was fraught with getting the requested bits, and that was without the shipping, driver and fuel woes of this year....

    3. Hroth


      They're a bit slow off the mark, Christmas has been popping up in the retail environment since August...

    4. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      The cancelling of Christmas with just a couple of days to go last year was the highlight of 2020 for me (best Christmas ever!) so I am hoping for a last minute surge and a repeat performance....

  2. Big Mistake... Just bought and had fitted a new 6x4 garden shed to replace old one attacked by Rats from next  door's chicken run.

    40 years stock of bits that  "might come in useful" taken to the tip. Much anguish in the choice of what must go overseen by SWMBO.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DonB


      Property next door was rented, chickens and vegie tenants now gone, so new shed worthwhile. Rats dealt with by council for a very modest outlay, although we live very close to a farm, so wild live stock a constant hazard. Currently badgers wandering through the garden at night, we can hear their claws drumming on the path slabs, there's a sett at the far edge of the field behind our property. must be getting used to the sights and smells after 45 years here.

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      I got rid of a load of 'might come in useful' stuff to the tip. I couldn't believe how much space I created! Out of sorrow comes joy!

    4. F-UnitMad


      "overseen by SWMBO."


      That was your problem, right there. ;)

      Whenever I get rid of stuff I've had for years 'just in case', I often find I need it the week afterwards. :banghead:

  3. have Amazon been hacked??

    Just had automated phone message saying "Prime" account is suspended..."speak to our adviser to get reinstated" (paraphrased) 

    Same automated voice experienced in Talktalk scam calls. New one on me!.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      It;s an on-going Phishing scam. We've been getting them for a few weeks.


      There's a bit in the Guardian:



    3. DonB


      thanks for that,   I hadn't seen the Guardian item.

    4. Kris


      There are a variety of these, they have been going for years. 

  4. how does one join RMweb Gold? 

    The free ticket offer is no longer available ?  Web page "does not exist"

    1. Hroth


      Try messaging AY Mod (Andy York)


      You could also leave a post on the Gold thread



      He'll probably tell you where to go.....  :jester:

    2. Tony Teague

      Tony Teague

      The advert is still showing so I would have thought it must be available.

  5. Spider built a small web in outside corner of Kitchen window. I saw a Dandelion seed plus its "parachute" drift past and got caught by the web. Spider appeared and proceeded to untangle the seed etc from the web then held it into the breeze before releasing. Veg seeds obviously not on a spider's menu!

  6. Have we permanently "lost" the archive section of the previous incarnation of RMweb?  or have I just not found it yet?

    Also my Gallery shows a series of black squares where the Gloucester Docks pictures should be... Do I need to reload them?


  7. Just had a "timed out" from rmweb. Error 522 

    1. Phil Bullock

      Phil Bullock

      Likewise! was just completing a large reply but luckily still there when I went page to the page...



    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I've also encountered that sort of stuff - my workround involves a familiar "cut & paste" sequence:

      1.   <ctrl> <a>
      2.   <ctrl> <c>
      3.   try to post the message - and, if all else fails
      4.   login (again!) - go to the "post reply" section of the thread and hit <ctrl> <v>.


      Unfortunately, although this works on a Windows PC, I don't know of an equivalent version for Android.


      Of course, I would prefer it if the site didn't auto-logout - and if none of this routine were actually needed. Until (unless?) that happens, I guess I'm stuck with the "finger dance" ... .




  8. yesterday's Times "quick Cryptic crossword" clue:- "trying to prevent train sets being laid out wrongly".. Answer :- "Resistant"....Sounds like SWMBO???

    1. snitchthebudgie
    2. Hroth
    3. Kylestrome


      That is a prime example of why I never attempt cryptic crosswords!

  9. Saw vehicle with cameras on its roof and "Apple Maps" on the side / rear, apparently filming in the villages in South Derbyshire about noon today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hroth


      Probably out looking for orchards. Are there many in Derbyshire?

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Saw the same in darkest rural Norfolk on Sunday too! Will be hunting that down when the images are released to see if I'm on it

    4. LBRJ


      should have turned it over ;)

  10. Spike milligan, 100 years today (RIP) Retrospective on Radio 4 today Goon Fans can listen on www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09z3dy1

    1. Southernman46


      caught it my accident whilst driving - laughed my socks off at the Goons stuff - must get some downloaded

    2. KDG


      What are we going to do next......


      Put it in the curry

  11. Spike milligan, 100 years today (RIP) Retrospective on Radio 4 today Goon Fans can listen on www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09z3dy1

  12. Today'sAnimated Google Doodle .. !00th anniversary of completion of Trans-Siberian Railway

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Rather nice, wasn't it? :-)

    2. Ozexpatriate


      Not shown in the US. We had a Gregorian Calendar doodle on Oct 4.

  13. Just had notification from Talktalk there is now Fibre Broadband in my street. They tell mme that currently I get 0 MB speed, which if I opt for fibre @ 7.50 extra/month I'll get between 0 MB and 0 MB. can I refuse such a generous offer?

    1. Horsetan


      Yes, they get something for nothing!

    2. Kev_Lewis


      Sounds like the usual TalkTalk broadband service.

  14. Just had notification from Talktalk there is now Fibre Broadband in my street. They tell mme that currently I get 0 MB speed, which if I opt for fibre @ 7.50 extra/month I'll get between 0 MB and 0 MB.

  15. Lady in newsagent this AM, buys a copy of every newspaper. shopkeeper:- "Are you setting up in opposition?" -- "no. they're for a Leicester City supporter, first time he's had anything to cheer about in 40 years as season ticket holder!"

    1. DonB


      Well done, the Foxes!

      Nice to see the Money-bags not getting all the glory.

  16. Lady in newsagent this AM, buys a copy of every newspaper.

    1. Dancess


      Must be a Leicester fan !


  17. Got a notice from Microsoft .. updating to W10, only option given is to delay until later today.. no option to say "No thanks"

    1. cheesysmith


      Just press the x in the top corner

    2. doctor quinn

      doctor quinn

      You can choose not to schedule at all

    3. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      get GWX Control Panel, or remove updates KB3035583 and KB2952664

  18. Got a notice from Microsoft .. updating to W10, only option given is to delay until later today.. no option to say "No thanks"

  19. new icon on my toolbar it's an Invite to download Windows10 for free. not heard about Win10 Good or Bad! or is it a spoof?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Campaman


      Having tried the Developer preview of Windows 10, personally I would say its going to be the best Windows yet.

    3. Quarryscapes


      Looks promising, but I suspect it'll be the end for my ageing CAD applications and such if I upgrade.

    4. MikeOxon


      Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for the first year. If you upgrade in that time period, there will be no further charge. Pricing of future upgrades is still unknown but Microsoft have stated they are not changing to a subscription model.

  20. An evocative blast from the past... "American Pie lyrics (almost) explained. Spent a large portion of my youth wondering about this! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32196117

    1. Horsetan



    2. BoD


      depends whether or not the buyer decides to reveal or not.

  21. Microwave "died" in a spectacular electrical display of sparks. How did we manage before these bits of kitchen-ware? It's "Black Friday" but can't find anyone selling them at discounted prices! Typical of my luck.

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Your having plenty of bad luck?

    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      pick one up 2 weeks ago Asda under

    3. mcrook62



      Saintsbury's are selling 79.00 microwaves for 39.00 hope that helps

  22. Microwave "died" in a spectacular electrical display of sparks. How did we manage before these bits of kitchen-ware? It's "Black Friday" but can't find anyone selling them at discounted prices! Typical of my luck.

  23. Microwave "died" in a spectacular electrical display of sparks. How did we manage before these bits of kitchen-ware? It's "Black Friday" but can't find anyone selling them at discounted prices! Typical of my luck.

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