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    Dorset, UK

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  1. Hi Mike, no need to apologise and thank you for the info. Sorry to hear your news, I hope your wife's situation improves. Best wishes Paul
  2. No. For me, there will never be too many shunting type micro layouts. I just wish I could get one up and running. I'm on my third attempt in 5 years, but I think this number 3 could be the one (so to speak). I'm just reluctant to post my endeavours until I'm sure I'm going to see it through.
  3. Hi Mike, Thoroughly enjoying your build. May I ask what glue you use to glue the embossed PlastiCard sheet to LitePly? Thanks Paul
  4. Thanks John, all is not lost with the original idea. I kept the box and sector plate from the original plan and being a little lost for something to do at the weekend, made up a new base board. It's still OO (despite my struggles with the smaller scale) but the track is down and wired and retains the 5 3 3 puzzle layout. At the moment I'm leaning toward a general theme of a run down siding out in the sticks, perhaps serving a mineral mining operation. I'll post pics of early progress at the weekend.
  5. Thanks for posting the painting of the mill. Brings back fond memories of my old home town.
  6. By way of acknowledging those who took the time to post on my thread I want to say thanks. The project isn't dead in the water, but I did have a major disaster when it came to attempting to add a paved/cobbled area to the board. I decided to try and create the look I was after, using DAS clay, but ended up making such a mess of it that I eventually had to remove the scenic items and scrap the board. I have spent the time since, following everyone else's endeavours on the forum and achieving nothing myself! Or to put it another way, reverted to type and become an armchair modeller again! On reflection, my MS being what it is, I have found it a struggle working with the 4mm scale, but I don't want to give up on the idea of creating myself a shunting puzzle. To that end, I have recently put together two 3ft x 16in boards to create a 6ft x 16in inglenook 5,3,3 in O gauge. It's early days but I have found the odd kit build in 7mm scale far easier for the hands to manage and I will start a thread when I understand where best to post it. Is 6ft x 16in for O gauge considered ok for this section, I wonder? Thank you again. Paul
  7. Testing attachment function before first post
  8. Hello George, it's a shame to learn of the demise of Grundy Street, but I would like to thank you for posting progress and all the photos showing your methods and processes for creating your great buildings. As a novice, it has given me a valuable insight on how to approach the task. Thanks again Paul
  9. Quite the range of emotions have risen to the surface over the past few days. I'm a bit of a recluse when it comes to my modelling activities. I hang around the forum (probably more than I model) but haven't really had the courage to contribute or post details on any of my mediocre (at best) modelling endeavours. I know just how much time goes in to my mediocre efforts, but this news hit quite hard when I sat and reflected on the extraordinary amount of time, passion, commitment and investment that must surely go in to these show standard layouts. I felt completely numb and very sad, swiftly followed by anger, when news later surfaced that suspects had been identified and later released on bail, to continue with their lives while those affected were left to pick up the pieces. However, I have to say that reading all the sympathetic comments and words of encouragement on here and the Just Giving page really lifted the spirits. What a remarkable group of people there are in this hobby, on the forum and in the wider community.
  10. 16...... you have my sympathies Mike. I’m only 6 wagons in to my 8 wagon kit builds, fitting sprat & winkles, paint and weathering, for my inglenook (hence the lack of updates on the layout), and the shed is getting far too warm.
  11. I find your work very inspiring Mike. Hope progress doesn’t slow too much and you feel better soon.
  12. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for posting the link to David’s video. As a complete novice with no experience of rail operations, his video has helped me a great deal and will no doubt prove to be essential understanding for my second project (must keep focus on my first endeavour for now though). Thanks again Paul
  13. Good luck with the house move Jerry. Look forward to seeing more in a few months.
  14. I like this one Andy. Thought about adding a few barrels to the scenic plan and wondered if expanding the name out to Finley Dunnit Brewery might work? Anyway, poured a healthy measure or two of whiskey last night and burned the midnight oil with paints and brushes and came up with this. Needs tidying here and there but I’ve pretty much captured what was in my mind.
  15. Enjoyed the video Luke, thanks for posting. Looking forward to watching progress on the layout.
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