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  1. But what beard game did he play?
  2. If you have rivets on the bottom of your prints these are very good places to land supports on. Better still, always think of your prints as 5-sided objects.
  3. The curing station I have heats to 60º and the cures for an hour with the heat on. I don't think I've ever seen breakages along layer planes. If the elephant's foot can be controlled then the best orientation is likely to be with a long edge on the bed and the rail gaps in the chairs vertical.
  4. Curing will polymerise the resin across the layer boundaries. I use 60ºC for 60 minutes for an ABS-type resin. These values were inherited from a similar Fromlabs resin. This video has more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=886X2geCRrA&pp=ygULY25jIGtpdGNoZW4%3D
  5. Isn't more that the vast majority of Londoners are not affected by the costs of the ULEZ?
  6. I do those, but you have to buy a whole wagon and take them off yourself.
  7. No, not sunk, but it seems that two of the forward compartments are flooded.
  8. The Camel had a rotary engine, which made the torque a whole lot more than on later aircraft. Yup
  9. I found this on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEzDh4RwpaM Which seems the most likely explanation I've seen. Who hasn't panicked and ignored the non-intuitive best course of action? O'corse the guy might be wrong.
  10. Most people think the media is reasonably credible until they write about a subject the reader has some knowledge of, and then they become woefully uninformed.
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