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Status Updates posted by Adamphillip

  1. we really need some more modern N gauge vehicles

  2. I really need to build an easy to transport layout

  3. anyone else having an issue where the popup adverts can't be closed?

    1. spamcan61


      Yes, happened to me just now, but now OK again. strange.

    2. Fat Controller

      Fat Controller

      Yes; since yesterday.

    3. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      I saw one earlier. Just hit back and retry.


      Or go Premium to save having to close them. ;)

  4. I'm surprised no one is talking about the "new" Hornby DVTs and their problems

    1. steveb860


      You could of course start or resurrect a thread, outlining the problems , then perhaps people will join in.

    2. vaughan45


      Medical DVT's are always a problem

  5. what's going on with the clubs function on the forum?

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      It's not fully functional yet, something for the future so please don't try to create anything (again).

    2. Adamphillip


      Rodger that AY, will keep my inquisitive mind well away for now

  6. custom built curved points? yeah or give it a miss?

    1. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      For more realistic appearance, all points need to be custom made, just as most are on the real thing. So yes.

  7. just an idea, couldn't we have a Modular topic under specialist interests?

  8. feels like the class 91 doesn't get much love

    1. truffy


      Au contraire, it appears to be getting a little too much love of late ;)

  9. Tagging system for topics isn't working when you click on a tag

    1. Corbs


      You might want to post this in the site issues section mate as it'll easily be missed here.

  10. mad scramble to get my N gauge layout ready for show next month at a festival

  11. never mind, should have snooped the forum a bit

  12. now, I know revolution is doing the N gauge class 92 in partnership with accurascale, will they also be doing mk5a coaches? I can't find out anywhere if they actually are.

  13. any good threads on here for N gauge hedges?

  14. just finished printing vacuum connectors for a club members live steam loco

  15. where is the best place to get Brawa lights?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Give the Hobby shop at Faversham a ring.

      They seem to have a fare bit of Braes stock or certainly did the last time I visited.

    3. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Should read Fair, darn spellchecker !

    4. Adamphillip


      I need the plug in platform lights

  16. working away at the over all canopy for my 00 layout

  17. any good guides for fiddle yards about?

    1. Hroth


      That Rob Bell should be able to give you a walk through. "Hey wait, there's an expert..."

  18. I wish more manufactures adopted the approach of ESU in their locos with AC/DC compatibility

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Patrick


      It doesn’t make commercial sense, I’m afraid.

    3. jjb1970


      As Patrick says, it makes perfect sense in Germany and a number of other markets where three rail AC is still popular, but in the UK it'd be answering a question that nobody has asked and just add cost for no real benefit to the overwhelming (and I mean overwhelming) number of users.

    4. devondynosoar118


      Just give me high voltage Roco rails...

  19. what's happened to the site's HTTPS?

    1. Mallard60022


      Discussed before; something on the Site Info and Notices section I think

  20. where can I buy those strips of PCB for track soldering?

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      If you mean copper-clad sleepers, then C&L should sell it.

  21. why is it that here in the UK we don't have anything quite as grand as miniature wonderland

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metr0Land


      There's alway Bekonscot

    3. irishmail


      Would be a good tourist attraction if there was one.

    4. bgman


      Whats wrong with Pendon !

  22. I wonder if we'll see mk5 coaches in model form soon?

    1. Metr0Land
    2. cal.n


      My bodyshell on Shapeways. Spoke to the operations manager for Caledonian Sleeper and he didnt know about any RTR models.

  23. has anyone used the ESU android handsets with a Z21?

  24. Just found the perfect couplings for the Oxford mk3a coaches, fleishmann standard couplers

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