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Blog Comments posted by paulprice

  1. 17 minutes ago, Barry O said:

    dangerous to allow the "Domestic Overlord" know how many locos you have..mine looked in all my stock boxes while I was away once....


    The Jubilees do look nice though!





    What happend, obviously your "DO" did not kill you, ho did you manage to survive?


    Thanks for the comment on how the Jubes look, I know once I have fininshed these I will give up on hand lining for a very long time :)

  2. 46 minutes ago, MikeOxon said:

    I'd be pleased to do that well, with my better hand, in 00 - hard to believe yours are 2mm :)


    I agree with Mikkel that such jobs cannot be done in a hurry.  i think I did some of my best (i.e. least worst) lining when I was convalescing after pneumonia and not up to much else.





    Thanks, I need to find something to do as this convalescing is boring me to tears, even doing some research to find which examples to number them as is a bit of a bind, I think I am just in one of those moods.

  3. 6 hours ago, Mikkel said:

    I'm really impressed with that Paul, alternative hand and all. 


    I have never tried lining with a bow pen, but I imagine it's a bit like painting fine details. When I do that, I've noticed that the results are much better when I'm relaxed and rested than when I'm uptight and grumpy. 


    Incidentally, I think the Domestic Overlord is wise in not letting you use superglue for lining. It just wouldn't work :D



    It doesn't take much to impress you lol, seriously thanks for the comment, you should try using a Bow pen its a lot easier than I thought it would be and after years of using one I go straight to mine when I need to letter a wagon or line a locomotive.


    As regards to the superglue you sound just like the DO, last week when I tried to use some, he said "and how do you paint lines with that?" I am beginning to think the world is out get me :)

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Mikkel said:

    Good to hear from you Paul. This place is not the same without you and, ok then, your Jubilees :)


    Very neat job on the locos. I'm in awe that you have managed to do that with one arm not up to speed. I hope the right arm continues to improve.


    Meanwhile, I shall ponder what BAR HUMBUG means. Jägermeister? (I hate Jägermeister!). 




    It should have been Bah Humbug, but Im a bit of an idiot, Scrooge use to be a hero of mine until he went soft halfway through the story and started being "nice", I mean being nice what's the point.

    • Funny 2
  5. The NHS looked after me splendidly at Stafford Hospital when I had a stroke 15 years ago. I did get the use of my right arm back after much exercise. I play the guitar, and couldn't when I came out of hospital. I just kept going at it for ages until my arm and hand moved the way it needed to.

    I have a friend who until retirement was an occupational therapist, she advised me to keep up the exercise. She told me, the part of the brain that had controlled my arm was damaged, and if I kept up the guitar practice a different part of the brain would take over.

    Well it worked. I learnt more on the guitar than I knew before, and also I could get back to modelling again..

    |So I can only assume it's a stroke you had, but keep using your arm as much as you can.


    I am pleased to know you think highly of the NHS, My partner works for them as a physiotherapist and My ex wife was a nurse, so I am closely connected.


    All the best.


    I may not live far from you near to Blists Hill....





    Thanks for the advise, I'm sure my arm will get back to normal eventually, I have some exercises that make me look like a Steps reject but if it helps.


    Fortunately I have not had a stroke, the damage I have suffered is the result of being in a coma a couple of times and weeks in ICU so my body started stripping my muscle mass. Still its a price I'm happy to pay to be on the mend, I may even buy an Banjo as I have been threatening it for years, I mean how hard can it be to play?


    As for the NHS they are all Hero's and I will be eternally grateful to them. :)

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