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    torpoint cornwall
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    railways big and small. rebuilding classic minis.

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  1. A few more for your delectation, this time Phil concentrated on the figures. The blokes behind the wall are shifting the coal for the furnaces. Not that you can see a lot of them!
  2. Hi All, I'm back temporarily from my wanderings. I have received an invite to Railex in Aylesbury at the end of May. I hope that The Fatadder can make it, I also believe that Phil extended an invite to him too attend the Plymouth show via Albert Bridge. You are correct Miss Prism, it was a 50/50 guess and UI got it wrong, I should have asked the audience or possibly phoned a friend. Any way here's a few more from Phil. First up is the main fiddleyard, this will utilise cassettes. This is work in progress. This is the best shot that Phil could get of the cottage garden and below. Next up is Dewerstone Halt. and finally from this batch a close up of the mill loading bay. Steve.
  3. Phil came over yesterday with his camera and took a few snaps, I didb't know that he'd been over until he sent me the phot's, so there's no stock on the layout. The first few phot's are shots taken that you will not be able to view at an exhibition as he used a fairly long lens to get them. This is a picture of Dewerstone Halt through the end scene, where the fiddleyard would be. A shot over the end scene looking towards Plymouth. A shot in the same direction focusing on the mill tail race. This is the best he could do looking towards Yelverton, as I have started on the Plymouth end fiddleyard. And a shot of the mill wheel etc. Looking at the photo's the lens makes my track laying look rubbish, it's definitely not so bad with the naked eye. That will be all for a few days as both Phil and I are away for different reasons.
  4. Yes it will be exhibited, if I get invites and can get a 2nd operator to help. distance shouldn't be too much of a problem. I will make a post on here should things happen. Steve
  5. Hi All This is the first time that I have visited the site since the big change, I will reserve judgement on until I have explored it further. Anyway enough of that here's what you have come for, the current loco stud. First up we have a Malcolm Mitchell 44XX, number 4409. I acquired this loco and two more as a job lot from a gent in Saltash who was going back to ')' Gauge. The loco did not run very well so it needed a little TLC, to get it to run properly. Next up is a Martin Finney 2721, as yet it doesn't have an identity, this is the 2nd loco acquired from the gent in Saltash, this also required a bit of fettling to get it to run. Next up is a Malcolm Mitchell 517, No 842. This is the last of he three locos from Saltash and needed the least fiddling to get a reasonable runner. And finally we come to an Alan Gibson 850, no identity yet! this one I built myself and was a right sod to build, from the footplate upwards. The body was not a square casting and needed some brute force and some of Phil's blue vocabulary to get it to look acceptable. All the locos will get some weathering and crew, in due course. Thanks for looking in and your continued support. Sorry about the rubbish photo's. Steve
  6. Hi I have not had a lot of modelling time of late, but some progress has been made, I have started to populate the layout. Here are a couple of pictures, sorry they are a bit naff, but the phone isn't all that good at this. I have also started to build a Alan Gibson 850 saddle tank, which is proving to be a right pain, I think Phil's swearing is rubbing off, with this build. Phil's auto cars continued to be sworn at and he's got a thread on Western Thunder. http://www.westernthunder.co.uk/index.php?threads/phils-gw-coach-bodging.7398/ Steve
  7. Here's the last few photo's, to bring us up to date. Well that's it for now, I just need to add the lighting unit and add some suitable figures, if I can find some, Thanks again to Phil for sorting the photo's, without which this would be a pretty rubbish thread. Thanks all for following my little thread. Steve.
  8. Hi All Here are a few more photo's. Thanks to Phil for doing the honours with the photo's. His swearing is starting to bear fruit with his auto trailers Diag Q & R, he will soon be waiting on his order from Dart Castings for detailing parts. Steve.
  9. Hi All Sorry for a bit of a gap in postings, but since Phil has come back from his travels too parts foreign, he's been off to various concerts, plus his father has been having mental health problems and so I have not been able to get my photo's sorted to post on here, but I have cornered him long enough to make a post now. Still progress has been made and attached are some photos, as ever they are taken on my phone. Sadly that's all I have time for at the moment. Steve
  10. Hello All Phil has now returned from his holiday, during this time I have made some more progress. First off a couple of the dri. and the track I have added to allow coal to be transported to the furnace end of the building, note that I have the building end for end in order too get things too work. Sorry about the quality of some of the photo's as they are taken on my phone and thanks to Phil for his customary expertise in getting them suitable for addition here. Steve
  11. Hi All Some more progress on Dewerstone, I think I'm begining to see the light at the end of Shaugh Tunnel. a couple of the dry to start. A couple of the mill And finally a general shot of progress from the Plymouth end. Thanks for watching Steve.
  12. Whilst I'm online, here is a phone photo from Phil of Stanhope Brewery, taken at Exeter a few weeks back. Steve
  13. Hi All It's been a whilst since I made a post, but other projects, some of which are railway related have taken some precedence over Dewerstone. Anyway here are couple of phone photo's taken of some building progress. The first one is the basic carcase for the dry. The next is the front of the mill, which will be mostly obscured, as it faces the back of the layout. and finally the back of the mill which you will see. As always, I would like to thank Phil for sorting the photos for posting.
  14. Merryfield Lane is still for sale http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/109321-merryfield-lane-layout-for-sale/?hl=%2Bmerryfield+%2Blane Please contact us at pandsecmrc@gmail.com A few pictures at the start of this thread http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/94612-plymouth-model-railway-club/?hl=%2Bmerryfield+%2Blane Steve
  15. Thanks CK. The reason that "The Branch" is at the front and higher than the clay dry track is that the dry is built into the hill and is on two levels this puts the apex of the roof at a guestimate around 40 to 50 feet above ground level. This 6 inches plus and the hill continues even higher. Phil thought it would improve the operational interest to include the branch, so this was lowered too enable the viewer to look over it into the scene, the reason that it crosses over at the fiddleyard end is so that one person can operate it. It's envisaged that an auto train on a shuttle will operate a service, hence Phil's continued swearing on club nights as he's building the Diag Q and R auto coaches that ran on the line. Steve. PS. Phil says "who wants to be conventional, anyway" EDIT for the PS.
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