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Status Updates posted by NXEA!

  1. So gents, who of you on here does resprays? If any of you could drop me a PM I'd really appreciate it! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NXEA!


      Thank you Mr Goldfish(?). Haha!

    3. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Lee Edmondson who goes under the name of Blue Eighties does a fantastic job of resprays and weathering

    4. North Eastern
  2. When you peek out into the world, it's actually thoroughly depressing. Ashames me to say, but I'm far happier in my own little bubble than paying attention to the media and world events.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Londontram


      Got to agree with you there brother

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      It's an understandable point of view, with which I have sympathy

    4. NXEA!


      Sure some of you would get what I meant. And same here Chris! And Jim I want to see the Book of Mormon at some stage! any good?

  3. Just watched Arsenal undo Everton in ten minutes for a point. Now I'm bored.

  4. ManBearPig is real, I am super serial guys

    1. big jim

      big jim

      god dam al gore!!

  5. Hurry up with my damn croissants

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikkel


      So hard to find good people these days.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      He should try a few sausages if he wants hairs on his chest

    4. Castle


      Youth of today and all that...

  6. Met my new little sister for the first time this evening, only 11 days late! Weird to think there's almost 20 years between us...

    1. Fenway Park

      Fenway Park

      Congratulations you will be a mix of uncle and brother and she will twist you round her little finger! Enjoy her growing up. My grandaughters are 3 and 1 so it has been a very happy few years

    2. NXEA!


      Thanks Fenway, I already have 4 other (but older than the new arrival) little ###### under the age of 10 asking me to play with them, buy them stuff etc etc! All very individual little people

  7. Looe is nice.

    1. Grafarman


      Isn't that where Stubby lives...?!

    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Mrs NHN was born there. Good fish n chips....

    3. Mallard60022


      I seem to remember that it is rather narrow......

  8. Boats n hoes!

  9. Kanye West is a genius

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      only if his latest release totally silent....with no video....

  10. Managed to pick up the MDF for my backscenes for

  11. Only been ballasting about half an hour and my back is killing me already

  12. Whole day to myself tomorrow home alone, looking forward to cracking on with weathering and ballasting

  13. Stuffing is the best part of a Sunday roast

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Couldn't agree more

  14. Splicing APA boxes together ain't for the faint hearted in this heat, I'm sweating buckets

    1. Steve Purves

      Steve Purves

      Plus you need 7 hands to hold everything in place!

    2. NXEA!


      Very true Steve!

  15. What she order? Fish Filet

  16. Been a busy week - trainspotted around London, went to Dublin to see Kanye West, then went to Finsbury Park to see Kanye again Friday, only just got home tonight. Lay-in needed!

  17. Off to Ikea tomorrow. Some APA boxes and LED lighting await... *evil laugh*

    1. Steve Purves

      Steve Purves

      oooh, do tell! I need another box myself but don't have Ikea in my plans for a while...

  18. I am now (subject to a medical) a Network Rail Track Engineering Apprentice! 2 years 'til I'm working on the big railway at London Bridge!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NXEA!


      Thank you Swifty!

    3. yorkie_pudd


      congrats on the training to keep Britain moving and a great future ahead for you.

    4. NXEA!


      Cheers yorkie_pudd. It's a great feeling knowing I'll be helping to keep the railway in good order, wanted to work on the railway since I was about 3!

  19. If I can find a cheap baseboard, I'm tempted to get a 153 and make a Modern Image micro-layout as a practice run before my bigger third rail layout. Hmm...

  20. I swear to God Samuel L. Jackson is in every f*cking film, last three films I've watched he's been in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      He'd like everyone to know that he isn't Laurence Fishburne.

    3. Mikkel


      Ever noticed how the purple Teletubby has a certain drawl?

    4. NXEA!


      He was awesome in Pulp Fiction, but to me he's only in films because he's Samuel L. Jackson. Like, I haven't seen a film in while with him in that I particularly enjoyed him in.

  21. Minster's a rather attractive station... Certainly food for thought.

  22. Back from Greece, with

  23. Off to Greece tomorrow! It'll be nice to get away and relax after moving house last week

    1. Trebor


      But when you come back will you remember you moved and end up back at the old house!

    2. Horsetan


      It's all Greek to me.

  24. Does anyone else on this forum love Kanye West besides me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bgman


      Maybe if he had a Broad Gauge Rover he's willing to donate to me......then I could get to like him!

    3. coachmann
    4. NXEA!


      You all disappoint me!

  25. Moving next month, again. 10 houses in 19 years ain't bad!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NXEA!


      Christ, how did you cope?!

    3. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Badly! When we came here we bought off plan, builders here were....slow, to be polite! A year late....

    4. NXEA!


      Ah that's pretty sh*t! My Grandparents and I rent so its down to the whim of the landlord unfortunately.

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