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Blog Comments posted by Steam_Julie

  1. Taking the video wasn't planned, it just naturally happened on the day. This is often the case, planning does not seem to work out improve the result and can often appear staged.


    I've tried to recreate the lazy days at the end of summer, with a steam hauled freight passing ponderously along the railway, as if the viewer was looking over the wall.


    I agree with your comments about Youtube videos. But one has to have moment asap, at the start, to sustain the interest of the Youtube generation. I wish you could upload them to RMWeb directly, but this doesn't fit the financail model of BRM!



  2. The foam I am proposing to use, is blown paper pulp, and this has better UV characteristics than plastic foam.


    You can improve the protection of plastic foam to the effects of UV radiation by painting it. I've done this with Peco plastic foam, by spray painting it with grey paint. At this point Sidney Prichard is probably spinning in his grave. Peco have never accepted that painting the Peco product is acceptable.


    The current Peco demonstration layout, recently moved to a northern model shop has all the track ballast uncoloured and completly clean!


    Track ballast is not the same in different parts of the country. Oil from locomotives causes black patches, where loco's stand for example at signals and bay platforms.


    Track ballast in a given location varies because, not all of it is the same age. As parts of the track require to re-tampted as a result of track settlement new ballast is added, which is fresh and unweathered.


    These differences can be simulated, on a model by differences in the painting.



  3. You can achieved the planning and checking that a layout design works, without the need for computer simulation, but since I am a graphic artist, I choose to use he tools of my trade, to perform the task.


    I am now satisfied ta the design will form he basis of a excellent layout. In addition to my own work, two articles were published in 'Model Rail' which have provided useful information. I have of course carried out extensive internet research, read several books on the line and visited the site twice.



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