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Hroth last won the day on April 16

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    Hither and yon

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  1. We've entered the "firework season" once more.  Eleven evenings of incessant bangs until the fifth and another x evenings because the fifth is midweek and they want to "party" at the weekend...



    1. 47137


      Fireworks kill birds - they die of fright. There is no case for fireworks as a source of entertainment, whether in back gardens or organised displays. Time to get rid of them and move on.

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Completely agree, ban them. The effect they have on animals, domesticated or wild, plus the usual anti-social nature of the time that so many half-wits let them off, leads to a serious sense of humour failure.



    3. truffy


      It probably wouldn't be so bad, for humans and wildlife alike, if they were limited to the evening of festivities.


      We don't, or at least didn't, have that problem in Switzerland. Fireworks (sale and use) were strictly limited to 1 August (Swiss national day) and New Year.


      Their use seems to be creeping a little now, especially with kids. But not nearly as bad as the UK.

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