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Status Updates posted by Market65

  1. Just found my original profile photo’, and have got it added back into my profile.

  2. I’ve got something called Repetitive Strain Injury. It’s effecting my typing. But I have help, and with the exercises etc., I should be ok.

    I just have to type much slower, with flat wrists. 

    As for modelling that’s  something which I will work on in due course. Strengthening exercises will hopefully help with that too.

    It will maybe be a couple of years before it gets better.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RJS1977


      I had it some years ago so I know what you're going through.

    3. Pete the Elaner

      Pete the Elaner

      Most people seem to use the keyboard's feet to prop it up at the back. I find this typing position uncomfortable then starts to become painful I pop them back in to make the keyboard flat & find it much more comfortable this way/

      When I did IT support, I got the impression that most people stood them up because 'they have been put there so it must be good to use them'.


      Find a position comfortable for you, although it sounds like it may be a little too late for this. Varying your position may also be helpful, just like you should regularly re-focus your eyes.

      Giving your wrists a gentle shake or stretch every few minutes should help too.


      I also have a chair with arms a similar height to my desk & find myself typing with my elbows rested on them.

    4. Market65


      Thank you, everyone, for your kind and helpful comments, suggestions and thoughts. 

      I will be using your ideas and suggestions to help me out with this condition. 

      So thank you, I feel happier than I did knowing that people care.



  3. The 16.48 from York to Hull

    is as follows: A class 155 and a class 142. Guess which unit I’m travelling back to Hull in? ;) 

  4. Just been chatting with friends.

    Can the internet ever be 100% safe?

    1. Pacific231G


      No! Any more than the physical world can be 100% safe. There will always be people out there who want to rob you, exploit you, con you and manipulate you.  The internet, and the ability of computers to process vast amounts of data, gives them new ways of doing that. From the con artist convincing you to part with your money  to extremist poltiician who uses your profile to whisper in your ear exactly what they know you'll respond to get you to part with your vote.

      In many ways we're like a naive youngster moving to the big city from a remote village; the city offers new opportunities but also new dangers. 


      The only way to avoid some of its dangers would be to tightly control every aspect of it but that would be, in many ways, even more dangerous.

    2. Market65


      Thanks, Pacific231G


      You’ve put all of that most eloquently, thank you.

      I guess as long as we go very carefully, browse carefully, then there’s little more we can do.

      I’ll certainly continue, and I look forward to future times.

    3. JJGraphics


      Not whilst Google, FaecesBook, WhatsCrap, InstaScam, etc., are around.

  5. The Met Office have just imposed a terrible change to the weather website. It looks cluttered and dysfunctional. I will now have to go elsewhere for a forecast. It’s just so terrible, so illegible!

  6. I seem to have lost all my friends...

  7. Just found this out from National Rail: A derailed freight train near Doncaster is causing disruption to journeys between Doncaster and Sheffield. As a result, services may be cancelled, delayed by up to 45 minutes, revised or diverted, not calling at Doncaster. This is expected to continue until the end of the day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Market65


      Thanks, everyone. Hopefully it will be all clear by the morning.

    3. 25901


      Shades of 47500, fresh tyres/bad track profile ?

    4. Phil Mc

      Phil Mc

      37605 is sandwiched between 2 66's, 66305 is one, the other is too dirty to read the number of !!

  8. No tv service tonight. It just says No Service as opposed to No Signal. I don’t know what that means.....

    1. SHMD


      ..have you tried switching it off and switching back on again?

    2. treggyman


      Our TV says that when the ariel lead has come apart or is broken

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      Just catch up on RMweb!

  9. When will trains be restored between Beverley and Bridlington? No one seems to know!

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      Running today..lightning strikes are a major problem for signalling systems

  10. Train service between Beverley and Bridlington suspended until further notice owing to lightning striking equipment just north of Beverley last night. No replacement buses, taxis only! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-44991496

  11. Another Monday in which things are going wrong. I live in dread of Monday’s!

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      For me it's Thursdays. I never got the hang of Thursdays.

    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Boomtown Rats

  12. There is a gas leak. Northern Gas Networks are in attendance. Whether I get evacuated I am not sure as yet.

    1. Market65


      The leak has been fixed and all is back to normal. A big relief all round.

    2. sharris


      I had a major gas leak yesterday - a big relief for me, not for everyone around though.

    3. Horsetan


      Better out than in.

  13. Tempers flared between a passenger on the Northern service to Scarborough this afternoon. Such black times for the railway. I don’t recall anything like it before, and I sincerely hope it never happens again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LBRJ


      Been there many a time! Last train from Wakedfield was literally a battle ground many nights.

    3. 2mmMark


      "Between a passenger"?! They must be a railway modeller. There are a few on RMWeb that could start a fight when alone in a room.

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Are you pushing in behind me?

  14. Some former Scotrail 158’s are today in use on the Hull to Scarborough services. Interesting times.

    1. newbryford


      Scotrail 158 and ex-GW 150 in the sidings at Blackpool last week

    2. surfsup


      The Scottish Exile 158 was even joined by ex West Country ghost "Casper the friendly 153" this afternoon as well.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I thought ‘in the sidings’ was the default setting for a Northern train these days... ;-)

  15. Trains between Hull and Bridlington are running about 20 minutes late this evening. Northern Fail indeed it Is!

  16. Northern Railway. The new timetable has seen the reintroduction of Pacers in the Hull, Bridlington and Scarborough service. Bad ride, not enough seats. Same old story that just goes on and on. Roll on December, 2019 and the new trains.

    1. Metr0Land


      What's the betting that all you'll get then is Pacers with the toilets locked out of use?

    2. 25901


      There is talk round a few Manchester drivers I know that Northern "might" be getting a extension on the 142s because of recent events

  17. The new Northern Rail timetables are awful. The services from Hull to Scarborough are no longer running from Sheffield with the same frequency, and who has made the decision to get all trains to call at Arram? Bad all round.

  18. I am not able to get on thissite using my router. I can on the phone. Very odd.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I wonder how many people "saw" that one coming ... .

    3. DaveF


      I had the same problem yesterday evening.

    4. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      I had the same last night. Deleted everything but nothing. O.K. this morning, most strange.

  19. Merry Christmas everyone.

    1. adb968008


      And to you too. I hope your models run smooth, the trains on time and your track remains level.

  20. Snow is coming on Sunday!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hroth


      But Buxton will be cut off....

    3. davefrk


      My fault. Just put the winter tyres on madam's motor, that keeps the snow away from here....

    4. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      Had snow for 2 days now.

  21. Was on a class 321 EMU coming back from Wakefield. It was giving out a strange metallic drippiing sound, from below the floor, every half second. No idea what it can have been.t

    1. JDW


      Wheelflat? Compressor?

    2. New Haven Neil
    3. PaulRhB


      did you mention it to the guard?

  22. Pledges Purer Pickles.

  23. The booking office at Beverley station has been closed for the foreseeable future owing to extreme water damage. Also the platform ticket machine is not working and the platform display screen are out of use.

    1. DavidLong


      Gateway to 21st century travel!

  24. Mum has just died from cancer. Bad day today.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. mikes rail

      mikes rail

      Sincere condolences

    3. Welly


      My condolences, I lost mine 2 years ago and it's not easy but you will get through.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      My condolences also.

  25. Mum has got terminal liver cancer. She has not long left. I feel dreadful right now.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. highpeakman


      Thoughts are with you and family. As others say, make the most of this time.

    3. highpeakman


      Thoughts are with you and family. As others say, make the most of this time.



      A difficult time for you and your family. Our thoughts are with you to stay strong. A comforting virtual hug to your Mum and the family.

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