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Status Updates posted by Harlequin

  1. That sinking feeling you get when...


    You know it's bin day, the leaflet says it's bin day, the website confirms it's bin day but the road is empty and you're the only person putting your bins out.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      @Captain Kernow Tubs? Luxury! We have now got wonderful useless bags for the cardboard that can end up in a different postcode on a day like today.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      We used to have bags and frankly, I preferred them, as they took paper and card in the same bag and once sealed, the paper or card stayed where it was put! (even if the bag itself did sometimes go down the road on it's own accord)...

    4. Philou


      We have proper wheelie bins that are emptied on alternate weeks (recycle:household waste) but we're down to putting them out once every four weeks and that's only because the cats and dog tins (even flattened) and plastic bottles (crushed) take up a lot of space and I daren't leave the household waste for longer than that because of - um - smells and flies, especially in the summer :(. Green waste is recycled 'in-house' as it were, and there's a bottle bank not 100 yards away.

  2. The Slow Train (Beautiful video below)


  3. Receiving small cardboard boxes in the post is a big part of modern life.


    I'm the sort of person who keeps little boxes that "might be useful".


    So why is it that when I want to send something in a small cardboard box I cannot find a suitable one anywhere?


    1. Hroth


      The disappointing thing is when you receive a small cardboard box in the post and were expecting something slightly bigger...


    2. Dagworth


      Waiting for cardboard boxes to arrive in the post is an even bigger part...

  4. The status post speaks

    An autumn leaf suspended

    Then falls as litter


    1. Hroth


      Happy haiku!!!


    2. Metr0Land


      With Christmas near

      Thoughts of r m web of old

      Where is Kenton-san?

  5. Feature about early Hornby on Bargain Hunt today.


    Christina looked rather bored until the TPO did it's thing and the values of some of the items were discussed.



  6. Come on Emma!



    No pressure but "The nation expects..."!


    1. Harlequin


      Well done, Emma! Onwards to glory! (No pressure, honest.)


  7. I hear that Swindon is going to apply for Nato membership.


    Or have I got that wrong?



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Compound2632


      There's more than a grain of truth in this rumour...

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Anyone might imagine a soccer match between Swindon and Oxford - almost certainly a "friendly" ... .


    4. Hroth


      The phrase "friendly fire" comes to mind...


  8. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

    1. Hroth


      It works better when off...

    2. Adrian Stevenson

      Adrian Stevenson

      I had that all day at work yesterday. It was so bad I decided to work from home today..

  9. Well! That was nasty!

    1. Hroth


      Was it in the woodshed?


  10. On Pointless, nobody ever says, "I'd like to see questions about railways come up".


    And when asked what they would do with the prize money, no-one ever says, "Well Xander, I'd buy a huge shed and build the model railway of my dreams".


    That's what I would say!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. truffy


      @RJS1977 in 100 seconds?


      Your time starts…NOW!

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      How about naming railway companies which existed before the Grouping but still existed after the Grouping (although its acceptable that their ownership might have changed)?  But probably too narrow a field for Pointless.


      Going back to the original question my favourite for a pointless answer would be the Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway (which was jointly leased by the GWR and LC&DR/SECR).

    4. Metr0Land


      Did you need a passport on that railway?

  11. The model railway / Bake Off connection fizzled out early, unfortunately.

    I was looking forward to lots of train cakes.

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I suspect you might not be alone.

    2. truffy


      I don’t like cake. I’m more of a cheese scones and crumpets man. But I can’t see much that you with them train-wise. 

  12. Come on, Emma!


    1. Hroth


      Doesn't matter if she wins or loses, the Radders done good!


    2. Harlequin


      Amazing! Well done Emma!

      What a wonderful story.

    3. Hando


      Her grit, determination and resilience was astounding! She should be very proud, especially considering she won her first grand slam at the tender age of 18!

  13. Yesterday I bought a lovely book by Adrian Vaughan...


    ...in Trago Mills of all places.


    (Don't ask!)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. St Enodoc

      St Enodoc

      That's all as may be but you haven't told us which book.

    3. Harlequin


      "Railways through the Vale of the White Horse" (2015)


    4. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      You should be greatly satisfied that you now have a book containing a photo of my great grandfather in the Uffington PerWay gang..

  14. I'm going to watch Countdown today with some trepidation...


    1. Hroth


      This is where the competitors are told they are the "weakest link"?  (4 vowels and 7 consonants...)  :crazy:


    2. Metr0Land


      I've recorded it.  Will watch from behind the sofa later.

  15. Get a grip, TV presenters!


    Wembley has two syllables, not three! It's "Wem - blee" not "Wem- ber- lee"!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sigtech


      And last time I looked, there was no R in Wembley...

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Meanwhile, I don't know how some people repeatedly manage to morph "nuclear" (as in power etc) into "noo-kee-lar"' or something equally ridiculous.

    4. leopardml2341


      New cue ler is the one that irks me.


      And don't get me started on (s)Pacific (sic)

  16. There's a parcel coming and I don't know what it is!

    Might be something exciting...

    (Or it might not.)


    1. truffy


      If it’s my KRM GT3 could you be a love and forward it to me?

      Hugs etc. 

    2. Harlequin


      Aw, it was just a book being sent by Hermes rather than the post for some reason.


    3. Hroth


      I was going to say, did you actually have anything on order....

  17. The fastest train is Bovril.

  18. Nearly 40,000...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. truffy


      But how many are unique, and how many are the banned returning under a new nom de l'adhérent?

    3. Harlequin


      It doesn't matter. It's an arbitrary number like so many others in life.


      And the winner is: @Greg Mac Oz (Welcome aboard Greg!)


      <Imagine balloons falling from the ceiling and a fusilade of party poppers...>


    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      I thought you were on about the Traffic song:


      "Forty thousand headmen couldn't make me change my mind
      If I had to take the choice between the deafman and the blind
      I know just where my feet should go and that's enough for me
      I turned around and knocked them down and walked across the sea"


      but I suppose I'm showing my age ...

  19. Only need 400 more to reach a big milestone!...

  20. The collected works of Charles Dickens can be a tough read...


    but they are excellent for weighing down track while the glue dries...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikkel


      Must try that. Haven't had much luck with Wikipedia.

    3. cctransuk


      I bought them for my Kindle for pence - but no used for weighting tracks.


      I've been working my way through them now for the best part of a year - nothing tough about them; a delight to read. Dickens' writing is the perfect time machine - a panoramic window to the past, with quite a few railway references from the

      'Railway Mania' years.


      When you've finished track laying, read the books!


      John Isherwood.

    4. Hroth


      Our Mutual Friend is particularly appropriate as the postscript describes Dickens experience of the Staplehurst derailment.

  21. I was hoping to remain isolated until well into the New Year...


    But I've run out of Quality Street! 


    It's a logistical disaster!


  22. “He’s got an orrrnge for you.” :smile_mini:

    Pike mimics Capt Mainwaring. great stuff!

    1. Hroth


      I'll have a chocolate one, please?


  23. xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      But when will the walrus complete the work you've paid for?


    3. bgman


      Luv you too ! :lol:

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      I think your chromosomes are broken.....

  24. R.I.P. Geoffrey Palmer OBE, lugubrious British character actor.


    "Bit of a cock-up on the catering front."


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Throughout my childhood as the hapless ex soldier in Reggie Perrin, superb.

    3. truffy


      Bigger loss than many :(

    4. Metr0Land


      I always remember him as the father in Butterflies trying to keep the family together around the dining table and his wife's dreadful cooking.

  25. By their posts on RMWeb shall ye know them

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. truffy


      Cheesemakers to the rescue!



    3. Hroth


      What a curious nose!


    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Can we be sure somebody hasn't heard of that annual foodfight on Cooper's Hill?

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