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Posts posted by carlislecitadel

  1. Anyone know if any of these ever served at or worked to Carlisle or Maryport? I suspect not but there is a picture of one on the turntable at Garsdale. I was planning to build a kit of one at some stage and justify it as a unrecorded wartime working but if anyone has evidenc eof them being around teh border that would be great.

  2. Does anyone know what the best pack is to get for doing wagons in 4mm? I model mainly LMS and early BR and have been impressed by the scratchbuilt wagons I have seen on other threads here, particularly with the rivet detail possible using the Archer products. However they produce rivets in various sizes and pitches. What is the best pack to buy for 4mm wagons for use on strapping, corner plates and sole bars? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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