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Status Updates posted by 10800

  1. Drum solo? Sounded like he was building a shed!

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Now this is a drum solo:

  2. Well done Jenny Jones - is it obligatory for women snowboarders to be blonde bombshells?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SHMD


      Have you got a black eye now?

    3. Kris


      Nope. She knows that when it comes to hair colour there are not many who are blonder.

    4. RedgateModels


      Nice one Jenny, made my afternoon - details on Fourgig and a bronze medal winner on TV :)

  3. Latest phishing email purports to be from amazzon.co.uk. Morons.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      It's ammazzing how stupid they must thing we are...!

    2. DonB


      I've had similar purporting to be from NatWest, re credit card payment due, very convincing artwork and text. only immediate give-away is "Dear Customer"

  4. storm before the lull

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      Have you looked at whats coming our way on Sunday ? And building all the time...

  5. Rip Rig & Panic on CD at last - brilliant!

  6. Bonus tracks - just serve to confirm why they weren't on the original album in the first place.

    1. Horsetan
    2. surfsup


      And then the band / artists charge extra for a rerelease of the 'Bonus Album' because it's the thing to do...

    3. dvdlcs


      ...and often upset the 'balance' of the album.

  7. Out here on the perimeter there are no stars

    1. beast66606


      Seven horses seem, to be on the mark.

  8. Car on M5 registered in Iceland. How did it get here? Why?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Diplomatic immunity...

    3. Mikkel
    4. pitbull1845


      I think you'll find his mum got it for him.


  9. Nightmare journey from London after lightning outage at Slough. Due Newton Abbot nearly 7 hours after leaving Paddington.

    1. 46444


      That'll be in the Daily Mail tomorrow. :-o

    2. 10800


      Not all on one train - over 2 hours waiting on platform at Reading

  10. Nightmare journey from London after lightning outage at Slough. Due Newton Abbot nearly 7 hours after leaving Paddington.

  11. Dining car on 19:03 ex Paddington, excellent!

  12. Valid tickets offered to automatic platform barriers - 4; tickets recognised and gates opened - 0. How hard can it be?

    1. Horsetan


      Computer says no.

    2. RJS1977


      I had that happen to me the other week - until I realised I was going through London on a Not London ticket...

    3. Jawfin


      Very hard.

  13. I keep thinking the loco exhaust under the RMweb logo is a mark on the screen and keep trying to rub it off.

  14. Baby Herring Gull has just wandered nonchalantly through the house, confusing the domestic cat population

    1. Coldgunner


      Heading for the Great Gathering perhaps?

    2. SHMD


      Pictures! We need pictures...

    3. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      I agree where's the pictures

  15. Tapas, red wine, booking hotels in France and listening to The Smiths

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gwrrob


      Heaven knows you're miserable now.

    3. 46444


      This charming man.....

    4. 10800


      Just a bit of nostalgia!

  16. Tapas, red wine, booking hotels in France and listening to The Smiths

  17. Tapas, red wine, booking hotels in France and listening to The Smiths

  18. Tapas, red wine, booking hotels in France and listening to The Smiths

  19. In a Silent Way and a large Pisco Sour ...

  20. Off to fetch son from Exeter St Davids - sensibly travelled on the 'proper' route on SWT via Salisbury.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Lol, CK's little helpers are still fighting the river at Cowley bridge.

  21. Unrecognised item in the baggage area

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I hate the self-service arrangements with a passion, but you should have seen the queues for the conventional tills! :-O

    3. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Don''t! I was sorely tempted to lb the stupid till out of Asda's door yesterday.

    4. Sasquatch


      Tried the self check out with a french baguette, a cheese and a Hardys shiraz wine box the other day and all hell broke loose!

  22. Friday night Vomiter, quiet coach full of morons who think 'mobile free zone' only applies to other people - aarrgghh!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Oh for the chance to swap for a trip in the real Blue Pullman... ;-)

  23. It's a strange day, no colours or shapes ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SHMD


      Oranges, greens (manky), browns, yellows and reds. Oh and of course grey.

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      And, on the lower half of a dog, mud.

    4. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Utopia... (I got it!)

  24. Thoughts with Trisonic and all in the NE US as Hurricane Sandy approaches

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Completely agree Rod, it looks extremely hazardous.. hope everyone keeps safe over there.

    2. Physicsman


      Couldn't agree more. Glad I'm 3000 miles away from the damn thing!

    3. BlackRat


      With you there, best wishes to all you across the pond, batten down and ride it out! My best to you all!


  25. GOLD! Helen Glover and Heather Stanning destroyed that field!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beast66606


      Yippee !


      CK - I hope you are following the new rules ... http://www.etwa.org/rules/

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      But of course, Dave, nothing but the highest professional standards! ;-)

    4. RJL


      Are Glover and Stanning learning to plough ???

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