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Scottish Modeller

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by Scottish Modeller

  1. I've just about had it with aerosol cans of Railmatch and Precision paints gumming up, despite my having cleaned them after previous use and stored them carefully in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. They still gum up.


    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Hi all,


      Sometimes even new cans won't spray. I've taken several back to the shop I obtained them from. Cans bought at shows from Precision seem not to have this probelm, so I'm assuming that shop stock is older than the cans sold be Precision.


      I've always removed the nozzles from the cans and cleaned them after use. There are still occasional problems with spluttering. Occasionally when I go back to a can I find the pressure has gone and the can won't spray as a result.


      I'm another one whu has moved on to acrylic paints, I just wish the range of railway paints was better, instead of having to match the colours I need from whatever name the makers have labelled them as.


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. Am I grumpy because a) I've had a busy week, b) it's hot or c) there's some proper door handles here?

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Hi Andy,


      You forgot to include an option!


      d) all of the above

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Jol. I am building a rake of LNWR carriages and I can’t get purple lake paint here in Canada. Would you know the correct mixture for purple lake or the plum. Also I’m at a loss for the correct lining   I’m building the ratio models the 50ft arc roof type. Any help would be appreciated.  Keith 

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Hi all,


      There was an almost precise match in the range of car paints for LNWR Purple Lake.


      Daewoo had this in their range but I think it went into the Chevrolet range of colours and may be discontinued.


      I've been looking for the remains of my tin but must have thrown it away.


      Cant find it on the Daewoo listing but will keep looking.



      Phil H


      Edit to add - Colour was Daewoo Dark Red which gave a purple/brown finish over Red primer.


      Check for equivalent here:-



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. The days are supposed to be getting shorter but they seem to be getting longer now the Dapol 08 is nearly here

  5. Phew - have just completed the chassis detailing of a Hornby 156 dmu, slicing off the original lumps and cutting out the individual components, making parts and obtaining spare air cylinders - took 4 weeks of evenings. Now Rapido or Realtrack announce your new British dmu is a 156 - make my day,week,year - the magnum is ready, but in all honesty in all the excitement I can't remember if its chocolate or choc & nut covered - do you feel lucky punks

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      You know it's bound to happen... I have 3 CL156 that I have cut all the Lima mouldings off - ready to put back a better representation....


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Hmrs do the transfers I want in 7mm but don't do them in 4mm. Why don't they produce 4mm lms pre grouping wagon transfers anymore. My old pc models sheet is nearly up & I need more LOTS more.

  7. Altitude 11,000feet and I'm on solid ground!

  8. Having one of those weeks when I'd be far better off keeping out of the train room - one disaster after another...

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Sounds like time to take R&R...

      No more modelling till you are sure you can take the scalple and split a strip of 10thou into 2 bits of 5thou!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Bought a couple of "N" scale wagons and an "N" scale loco from the second hand stall at club show today, does this constitute a commitment to really small modelling???

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      N Gauge isn't classed as 'really small gauge modelling' these days!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. At last! I have an empty loft......

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Now just need to wait for the new insulation to be installed and see what I can do in the remaining space.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. I've lost the shackles - The modelling has resumed!!!

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      OK - Another session at hte workbench means I can see the surface - in places!


      Must keep going....


      Need the fully expanse of workbench available to get sone O Gauge Mk1 coaches lined out.



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. I've lost the shackles - The modelling has resumed!!!

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      The message says it all....


      I've started to clear the workbench of the various projects I started and then put on hold whilst I was DEMU Membership Secretary. In 4 weeks I've finished 4 projects! Just hope I can carry on like this....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Modelling - Who has time for that!

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Once we get June and the DEMU AGM out of the way...


      Let the modelling recommence!

  14. Thinks a GE AC4400CW in "Bright Future" would look great pulling CDAs along the riverside ;~)

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      Hi Mickey,


      This is why you model railways...


      You can do what the real thing cannot!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. What do these reputation ratings mean?

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      It's a personal, subjective thing...


      Proablably means it all comes down to sweet fa....

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Just created a fotopic site

    1. Scottish Modeller

      Scottish Modeller

      OK - It would be nice if you gave us the Fotopic name or we address!


      Picky? - Me......


      Oh yes!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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