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    Trentham, Victoria, Australia

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  1. Damn, my Pioneer CD player has just died, just dont make them like they should, this just like the Hornby mazak experience.Should see if the manufactuer will replace but need to find the reciept from 1988 first.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      Used to be able to get that sort of thing repaired - but those places have gone as well ...

    3. Sturminster_Newton


      As one what worked in theatrical hire. Medium quality CD players were on the company hire stock. Costed into £33/wks. IF it lasted for a year the unit was bought paid for and in profit. Some managed three or four years before needing minor repairs.


      It's usually components that fail, capacitors and joints dry out. The mechanical bits go on for ever it's drive bands and the electronic bits that die.


      Little known fact most electronic items are powered by smoke.

    4. neal


      My 1988 vintage technics is now in the attic, however I recommisioned my Yamaha tape deck last weekend. But I seem to have lost a box of cassettes!

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