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Status Updates posted by P.C.M

  1. A nice day out on puffing billy a couple of beers and yummy homemade burgers for tea.

  2. Is on beer number two after a busy day day. 31 people came to my meeting today, and it rained. Lucky I had the tarp set up. But need more mugs and cups for next time. Llanbourne ran well though. Thanks all for coming.

    1. P.C.M


      Make that beer number three.

    2. beast66606


      On number 4 yet ?

    3. P.C.M


      just cracked it open as I type this.

  3. I am thinking of changing my work bench to floor level as that's where most of the bits I am working on end up.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. P.C.M


      Maybe I am looking in the wrong place then, maybe I should be looking for bits on the ceiling.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Don't discount the theory that Zillons from the planet Tharg have opened a wormhole into your modelling room and are selectively stealing bits to scratchbuild their own Black 5!....

    4. P.C.M


      I wonder what number they will do,I quite like Black 5s.

  4. Just got up at 04.00, and is of to the Airport to pick up Yellow van man and family.yay

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      I shall be doing the reverse thing, same time tomorrow to gain myself some peace and quiet for a week. :)

  5. Just got up at 04.00, and is of to the Airport to pick up Yellow van man and family.yay

  6. Weather is poo over here. storms with heavy rain, but still warm with high humidity 89%.

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Just reading this makes me shudder... oO

  7. the time I think most clearly,The time I drift away, Is on the busride that meanders, Up thesevalleys of green and grey.

  8. Just got back from watching the new Harry Potter.

  9. Would have liked to be in the UK this weekend. I would have gone up to see some friends at the Reading show, and called in to the Woking show on the way to see some RMwebbers. Guess I will have to settle for cutting the grass.:(

  10. Welcome back larry.

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