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Ian Fisher

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  1. I see this as an attack ! someone is clearly happy to use emotive stupid phrases that somone showing themselves up as a bit weak......
  2. See more slack English.......never mentioned "judgement" clearly subconsciously you feel it relevant.
  3. Means B*gger all I dont get why people are so keen on labelling others
  4. I know its a few years ago, did anyone secure any further images of these coaches?
  5. Probably cheaper to buy new, they are either battered or sub 60 notes
  6. They aren't family though they share a fibre glass cab. 325 has more dna with a 319 Ian
  7. http://www.replicarailways.co.uk/images/stories/Downloads/MBSOWEB.pdf a useful resource?
  8. Everyone seems to have not mentioned this ol favourite https://yorkshow.org.uk/layouts-2024/ Warley club help with resources for this show
  9. lets hope its a joke..........no need to compete with models in tooling
  10. probably the biggest gross retailer.
  11. And a month or so later......it doesn't make sense
  12. Cant recall were this idea came from? But I had some good experience with a Loctite product used in the music sound industry wasnt cheap but did a great job on ply/ Peco Pandrols. Cant seem to find the one I used but this is very close to it. Google just re found loctite 480..... https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/glues/9082802?cm_mmc=UK-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-CSS_UK_EN_Adhesives_%26_Sealants_%26_Tapes_Whoop-_-Glues_Whoop-_-9082802&matchtype=&pla-341507982166&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjN-SBhCkARIsACsrBz6y8Uo_lPbkh6_ggIgaTZQozQtU_F_BHLusW81mtyOqEZcH8LFa_G4aAuC-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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