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Black Marlin

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Status Updates posted by Black Marlin

  1. After seeing last night's total insanity on the other side of the Atlantic, I have a modest proposal: for the sake of the salvation of Western democratic norms, Twitter needs to appoint Andy Y as their new global moderator.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hroth


      That "lawyer" looks more like a dyspeptic Pirahna....


    3. Metr0Land


      Don't forget he's a Knight of this realm!  You couldn't make it up......



    4. Philou


      Rudy Giuliani was also the mayor of Noo York during 911 .............. I never knew he was a lawyer :(


  2. Hey ho... Back into lockdown we go...

    1. Hroth


      Can we start handclapping again?


      Never mind, I'm sure it'll all be over by Christmas!



    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Yes - but Christmas which year?


      Anyway, for some of us, it's already gone on for one Christmas too many.

  3. The lacerations of 2020 continue into 2021. It has to get better at some point... doesn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. beast66606


      Can't argue with that - Ive been in hospital since 0400 - Happy New Year I was greeted with a A&E (for an E, not an A) - somewhat ironic since I was there because I was ill !

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Get well soon, Dave!


    4. truffy


      It'll all be over by Christmas, as they said in 1914.

  4. Struck down by a nasty head-cold. Bleugh.

  5. Botheration! I think I've cocked up half my waterfall, and will need to redo the left-hand side. This postpones my next Girtby Sea update...

    1. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      Haud the bus: I may be able to save it, with some judicious use of cotton wool. I'll find out tomorrow whether it's worked or not...

  6. Spent 4-and-a-half hours bent over the baseboard painting, and now my back wishes to make a complaint... 

    1. Mallard60022


      However, your elbow must be well recovered now......


    2. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      Yes, much better, thanks!

  7. Struck down with tennis elbow. What nonsense is this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Seriously BM, if you have the resources it could be well worth seeing a proper sports Physio. NHS Physios are general practitioners and in my experience rarely have the time to help with this sort of problem. May not be able to do a lot but can give good advice and maybe suggest how to 'support' the joint. You may be lucky and have Private H.I. or some sort of arrangement through work? If not SP's charge around £60 - 80 for an assessment and first appointment & then around £40 for further appointments.

    3. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      Thanks for the information and advice. Fortunately ibuprofen and rest have worked wonders and the arm is back under control :-)

    4. Mallard60022


      XLNT. I can't use Ibruprof and similar due to taking Blood Pressure tablets.

  8. Like MacArthur, I have returned...

    1. LNERGE


      But did you get yer feet wet doing it?

    2. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      Mildly moist at worst!

  9. Just got an S. J. Moreland wagon that says 'England's Glory Matches' on it. If my history's right, they haven't had one of those since 1966...

    1. Horsetan


      Was there ever a PO wagon with "Southgate" on it?

    2. RJS1977


      What about 2003? (The wagon doesn't specify which sport!)

  10. Forever adding to the 'loaded PO coal' train

    1. Hroth


      You'll have to double-head it at this rate...

  11. I see two un-extraditable Russians have been charged with the Salisbury nerve attack. At times like this I wonder: whatever happened to Adolf Eichmann....?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      And they both appear on camera in exactly the same place. At exactly the same time...

    3. DCB


      It was great theatre, they almost took the targets out, got clean away and left enough clues for Hercule Parrot let alone UK PLod to follow. Message to every Russian Traitor, you can run and hide but we'll still get you.

    4. Liam


      And now it emerges they walked right past Salisbury Model Centre....

  12. Stung by a friend's recent observation that there was no modelling on my bench, I'm half-way though an LNER plate wagon. Again.

  13. Running total on bridge-building: 4 built; 4 still to build (including the two largest)...

  14. The first of the Peco Bullhead points has arrived. 15 more to go...

  15. 1st Bullhead point ordered. I estimate I will need 15 of them. Ouch...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danemouth


      Have just bought six of them - my debit card fainted at the bill!

    3. Rowsley17D


      Why not use FB in the fiddle-yard unless it too is on view?

    4. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      I intend on using Code 100 in the fiddleyard; it's the sheer number of points that's going to cause the problems. It won't be 1x 40' fiddleyard: it will be, essentially, 4x consecutive 10' fiddleyards, one for each running line...

  16. Trying to work out how to wire a Peco BH unifrog for live-frog operations

    1. tractionman


      There's an article on this in this month's Railway Modeller.

  17. My layout of a lifetime, Girtby Sea, now has a thread of its own. Looking forward to the next few years...

    1. tractionman


      Looks like a great project, hope all goes well with the build.

    2. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      Thanks, TM; it's going to take a while...

  18. Oykel Viaduct now (mostly) built... on to the next bridge we go...

  19. My parts for 'Oykel Viaduct' have arrived: now to build the wretched thing...

  20. 8 wagons rewheeled, 16 coal loads fitted...what next?

    1. waggy


      You just need a Loco, Brake Van, some track and a controller

  21. Cheerfully adding coal to 20t LNER hoppers

    1. Hroth


      How many, and will you be so cheeful when you're doing the last one?

    2. Black Marlin

      Black Marlin

      14 so far...

  22. First parts for a (rough) model of the Oykel Viaduct have been ordered...

  23. Falling Outside The Normal Moral Constraints

  24. Ravished By The Sheer Implausibility Of That Last Statement

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      I like your avatar photo

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