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Everything posted by kandc_au

  1. Try GWR Modellers on FB....he is one of the owners/mods there!
  2. Try saving as a download, then open the pdf file. Seems it is a zip file so needs to be opened first! Khris
  3. Mike, You reckon they are noisy! Try living in Vic or NSW.....it's not the loco's making the racket......it is all the flat wheels! That is the one thing I have noticed up here, it is that the wheels are kept in good nick! Khris
  4. Contact him and see what he says. https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/strathpefferjunction?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559
  5. If it was brown, I would have thought that the van would look darker than what it is. If the possibility is that it is a recent repaint, then the roof is darker than the wagon which to me would indicate that it isn't brown but a lighter colour. Khris
  6. I for one disagree! I think it is a mindset we have been used to for so long, we don't actually stop and look at the reality of the world around us. Eg: We live IN the world, NOT look down on the world, as we do with a model railway! From that perspective, I would suggest that you would find layouts have to few trees and trees that are to small, except in some circumstances like deserts etc. Khris
  7. Remotor with the kit (computer motor) that is available! Available on ebay. Khris
  8. If you have a sample, take it to your local auto paint people. Amazing what they can match up by eye! Khris
  9. Well I was just looking at it again!!! So I don't know how it is dead!!!
  10. For those of us who may be unfamiliar with your wb thread....could you post alink please? Khris
  11. Nah, not to much stock....we just like realistic length trains Khris
  12. Mikkel, What colour brown is the coach? Is it the brown as used in the choc and Cream or another shade please? Khris
  13. Jack, So long as you enjoy it, that is all that matters! khris
  14. Rich, How would you go removing centre bits with a dremel type tool, rather than trying to snap off with cutters? Khris
  15. I would have thought using platicard to bring the sides in would have been a better option myself! Khris
  16. I found out the answer to the question I posted and have now deleted..
  17. Apologies Miss Prism, I used the word scalpel loosely. You are right it is for a knife. None the less I hope the idea was useful. They are handy for all sorts of fiddly jobs that the scalpel is overkill for. Khris
  18. Hi Miss Prism, No longer listed I see. They were available singly. They are a Swann Morton blade and if you google: https://www.google.com/search?q=1.5mm+wide+scalpel+blades&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi4vq-agb72AhXtz6ACHYz1DNkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=1.5mm+wide+scalpel+blades&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1D7C1iaOWCKPWgAcAB4AIAB9QKIAfMNkgEHMC44LjAuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=1jkrYrj7KO2fg8UPjOuzyA0&bih=587&biw=1366&client=firefox-b-d The sixth row down you should see them. When I got them they were not expensive and they are very handy to have. I'll have a look tomorrow to see if I have kept the ebay details with sellers name. Khris
  19. Just a bit of FYI in case you don't know. There are 1mm and 1.5 mm scalpel blades available on ebay. That is what I used to remove the pipework and did very little damage. Khris
  20. A bit late but have you considered printing on watercolour paper. The texture is ideal for stone. Just a thought! Khris
  21. Maybe cheaper to buy second hand one just for spare parts! Khris
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