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Can you customise this nationalrail live departure board?


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Can you customise this nationalrail live departure boards?




I know you can see any station my modifying the three letter station code towards the end of the link, but can you customise whether it shows only the final destination rather than all calling points, does not include times at each station, shows only a certain number of departures, or only those to a specific destination? I wonder if the hexadecimal in the link is options that can be customised and if so is there a key. I am aware of the simple live departure boards presented on the nationalrail website e.g. https://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/service/ldbboard/dep/CHG and the many others put together by others e.g. https://live-departures.info/rail/departures/London-Euston/, but this nationalrail one in the link at the top is really clear and easy to read.



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They final parameter H=1200 seems to relate to the screen height of the display device so can be changed to some extent so that the number of rows and therefore number of departures shown can be altered to fit the vertical space on a screen

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