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3-hole disc wheels for OO Heljan Dogfish


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For some reason, despite having them for years, I've only just realised that the wheels fitted to Heljan's OO Dogfish wagons are of the incorrect type for the wagon. As a result, I'm after 8 3-hole disc wheels that would fit. Bachmann and Hornby wheels are not suitable as the spindles are just a shade too long/thick, so when fitted, the wheels don't rotate very well. 

The diameter for the fitted as standard looks to be around 13mm, including flange. I would prefer metal wheels but would consider plastic (or part plastic) if they fit. 

I would also prefer a swap deal if possible, as I have plenty of spare wheels of various types and sizes (and obviously 8 from Dogfish), including 20 Dapol JNA wagon wheels, all unused. I would however consider buying them outright if they're suitable.


I think the Heljan four-wheel tank wagons have the correct style, although I don't know the size of the wheels or the spindles fitted to these.


Please contact me if you have anything suitable (even if just one or one pair)



Edited by llamafish
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