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Bachman volume CV Required ??

Shedmaster 47

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Hi folks,

 Happy new year to you all !!    I wondered if anyone out there just happens to know the exact CV  number to adjust to alter the sound settings on a 

 Bachman  class 37/  521

   (  32-394 DS  Colas )  

It's new and just gives you a website to visit to obtain any decoder info from ..!!

    My signals not to hot and it keeps crashing whenever I try !! 

   Plus what's the range I can choose from (  0 through to  255  ) or has it changed in recent years ?

    Many thanks  in advance for any help 



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I recently purchased a Bachmann factory sound fitted 37 012 Loch Rannoch (32-790ADS).


Sounded very tinny because the supplied speaker was not enclosed, so I fitted a Roads&Rails double iPhone speaker and it now sounds absolutely fantastic.  CV63 set to 70 is plenty loud enough for my small railway room.  

Edited by cravensdmufan
Incorrect TOPS number!
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  • RMweb Gold
11 hours ago, Richard Croft said:

You can usually set cv63 without needing to set cv32



Other than ESU recommend doing so in order to prevent the possibility of inadvertently adjusting other CV's within that index, see page 89 of the manual.  However the choice is up to the user.


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10 hours ago, tarifa said:

Other than ESU recommend doing so in order to prevent the possibility of inadvertently adjusting other CV's within that index, see page 89 of the manual.  However the choice is up to the user.



Hi Mike,


The reference on page 89 of the manual refers to individual sound slots NOT the main volume which CV31 and CV32 should both be =0

Then CV63= the value you require.(0-192)


A little misleading but hope this clears things up.



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11 hours ago, Richard Croft said:

All I can say to that is I never knew, but I've changed literally hundreds of volumes using CV63 on models I've worked on and not had any problems yet.



True. All CVs up to 255 dont need any index CVs at all so index

Values don't matter.

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