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Fleischmann N Gauge Points


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I haven't actually touched one of these but from what I can see, on the Fleischmann site, they are wired as follows;
There are 3 connections, Black, light Brown and dark Brown.
The Black wire is common, the other 2 change the direction of the solenoid.
I have not discovered which direction is which but it is easy to tell.
Connect the Black wire to one leg of your power supply, which should be an ac supply between 12 and 14 Volts.

to test it touch the other leg of the power supply, momentarily, to one of the Brown wires, observe the way the point moves, if at all, then
do the same to the other brown wire and it should change the other way.

You have now determined the direction of travel. 
Write it down and tell us, so other people may know which connection is which.


Cheers Godders

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