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Another Motorised Diorama

HLT 0109

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My query relates to an animated water chute.  On my new 009 layout I have a water chute formed of a short length (about 500mm), straight, inclined track on which there is a passenger gondola.  The gondola desecnds by gravity into a lake and is then hauled slowly up the incline to a hut at the top where the passengers embark/alight.  There are many tiny motors available that could be used for the winch but I need to be able to release the drive so that the gondola is free to run down the incline by gravity.  A rope is permanently attached to the back of the gondola. 


In one response to the earlier thread on the swing bridge, is a comment that a motor, once the power is disconnected, would be free to rotate backwards.  If that is so, then perhaps I am overthinking the problem with my winch but, if it is not so, I will need a means of disconnecting the motor drive.  I wonder if someone could guide me as to how best to achieve what I want?  The objective is to achieve this without manual intervention other than flicking a switch or two.  The track and gondola are unpowered and the motor will need to be housed withiin the hut or its supports as it straddles a baseboard joint and needs to be removeable.  The footprint of the hut will be about 90mm x 60mm and the gondola weighs only about 10gr with passengers.  I think I can deal with stopping the gondola at the bottom before it leaves the lake or reaches the end of the rope!


Many thanks,


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  • 3 weeks later...

It appears that my query has everyone stumped - plenty of views though!  Nothing daunted, I put on my thinking cap, made many searches of the internet for possible mechanisms, drew and revised a few sketches and, after a some trial and error came up with a working water chute.  I invite yoou to comment on the result: 


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When I visited last year, I discovered that the naval battle takes place in the lake in Peasholm Park - this lake is in the Northstead Manor Gardens - which is the other side of Burniston Road.  Just as well - showing the aircraft doing a bombing raid might be too difficult.  I hope to make some padaloes for the boating lake , and I am wondering if I can do a couple of Water Walker balloons. 


Thank you for your comment.


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