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Mazak rot in ACME container wagons?


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Has anyone had experience of mazak rot in ACME's container twins?  One half of one of mine seems to have put on a few scale inches since I last ran it, which is obviously alarming, though I'm hoping that it is a self inflicted problem specific to that one wagon. 


The wagon in question is 2-3 years old and when I first received it it had a very slightly arched back so that the container didn't quite sit level.  Stupidly, rather than sending it back whence it came I tried to 'gently' bend it straight, with predictable results.  However having superglued it together the container sat nicely, and I decided to remove the rear coupler and fit a tail lamp to make sure it wasn't subjected to too much strain, so disaster averted - as I thought.  Now, though, that half of the wagon is about 1.5-2mm longer than its twin, meaning that the container pins no longer align with the holes in the 45' container.  Suddenly the original curve to the wagon's back takes on ominous new significance!  However I am hoping that the problem may be a reaction to the glue I used (Gorilla Superglue gel) rather than being portent of a wider problem.  I haven't had any problems with the other ten or so I have.  Is anyone aware of any issues?

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