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Digikeijs DR5000 stopped working * fixed *


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Hey was wondering if anyone could help me out with an issue I've just run into with my DR5000

I went to update the firmware on my DR5000 and got a message saying it had failed 

"error - failed to set memory unit"

and now when I turn the unit on both the red and green LEDs are lit and nothing appears to work, the computer registers a usb connection but the unit no longer connects to the software

I've tried resetting it but nothing seems to happen, I can't get any response out of unit at all now, as soon as power is connected both LEDs are on and nothing happens


Edited by Michaelaface
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  • Michaelaface changed the title to Digikeijs DR5000 stopped working * now working but wifi not working properly *

okay the device is now functioning normally via USB, not entirely sure what I did differently aside from trying to update from different computers

however devices seem to not be working via the wifi now, phones can all connect fine, but the Z21 app can't, the computer can connect fine, but can't control the device

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So I think it's a good idea to separate out the different connections that you are talking about:


1. "phones can all connect fine"

- what phones are you talking about, and what app(s) are you running on them?

- I assume you are talking about the phones connecting directly to the DR5000 over WiFi - i.e. you are not using your home WiFi system


2. "the Z21 app can't"

- you mean that you are running the Z21 app on a phone, but it is unable to connect to the DR5000 WiFi?


3. "the computer can connect fine but can't control the device"

- is this a Windows PC?

- it is able to connect to the DR5000 WiFi? How do you know it is connected?

- which app(s) are running on the PC that you want to use to control the DR5000?


Separately, I'd like to ask how the DR5000 WiFi is configured. In particular, what Protocol is set and what port in being used as shown on p25, p26, p27 of the DR5000 manual. The protocol & port settings are very important for the clients that you are trying to connect to the DR5000.


Yours, Mike

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right everything can connect to the dr5000 router, as in the WiFi connection says connected to dr5000


However there seems to be a break in the internal connection between the router and command station


so devices connect to the router but can’t connect to the actual command station


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  • Michaelaface changed the title to Digikeijs DR5000 stopped working * fixed *

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