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2 hours ago, Joseph_Pestell said:

We are all suffering from the virus, even if we have not got it.


My pub was supposed to be reopening on 4 April. That's dead in the water and no real idea when or indeed if we might re-start the renovation works. Assistant Manager started her job yesterday. I can't keep her on with no money coming in. But she is vital to the future success of the business.

You are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.  If you sack her, it could well end up as a case where she might try and claim for unfair dismissal!


The Obergrumpenfuhrer and her brother are having to review their rental business.


If tenants are unable to pay their rent, under the terms of the rental agreement, they can be evicted.  This is an expensive process, and under the circumstances that would cause it, morally reprehensible. 


Regardless of this and whether the properties are occupied or empty, there are outgoing expenses that still have to be met.  A worse case scenario would be tenants living rent free and the council tax due of the property reverting to the property owner.


The further up the chain one goes, there is less sympathy.  Buy to let landlords (we are not in that category) who might be losing the income required to pay the various mortgages, will get short shrift from the banks when they cannot meet their financial obligations.


Other businesses are going to be similarly affected

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning All 

overcast but dry

I had an email just now stating Ally Pally is cancelled so bang goes poor Chrisf's meeting with his friend in the Palm Room. :resent:


I'm a bit concerned about my daughters, one is in the police force and there is talk of working all hours on the media, the other one 

is a restaurant Manager along with the SiL working in the same place having to close down, how the #uck as a nation do we end up in other

people #hit is beyond beggars belief, it seems every country in the world is run by a nupperty especially our own Doris he's totally out of his depth.


It's times like this when you wish you lived off grid in the Yukon, no need for toilet paper there just drag your #rse around in the snow.:jester: 

I better do something today enjoy yours :superman:P.Lenty-Andrex  :biggrin_mini2:


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Good morning everyone 


The sun is once again shining! How  long it will last who knows, we are forecast some rain at some point of the day. Life goes on as normal here and I’ll shortly be heading off to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand, this might be fun! I do have to go out anyway to collect a prescription so it’s not an unnecessary journey. What will be left on the shelves is anyone’s guess, but it’s mainly fresh produce that I’m going for and not the store cupboard items that most people are panic buying. 


I’ve just heard an interesting fact on the radio, on this day in 1979 a song went to No 1 and stayed there for 4 weeks:

the song in question was 


I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. Is there a hidden message there I wonder?


Stay safe, back later

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9 hours ago, BSW01 said:

When Sheila got home from her Zumba class she’d received a couple of text messages from our GP’s, the first telling her that her diabetic review tomorrow has been cancelled due to Corvid19. The second reminding her NOT to forget to attend her diabetic review tomorrow, it seems like one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.

Quite simple to explain, as the booked appointments are pre-programmed into the GP practices system at the point of booking, and are normally scheduled to be sent about 24 hours before,   The cancellation text will have been manually sent, and sometimes the scheduled text can't be cancelled in time - I know this as it has happened to me in the past.


Morning All


Not going to dwell on the current events vis a vis the virus, food and bog roll shortages, as I think that enough has been said hereabouts and elsewhere. 


I should be confined to barracks for the duration as I am diabetic, but I have to take 30747 to work, and am not brave enough to try to get food deliveries arranged in the current situation, so will have to venture out.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium
24 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

Good morning everyone 


The sun is once again shining! How  long it will last who knows, we are forecast some rain at some point of the day. Life goes on as normal here and I’ll shortly be heading off to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand, this might be fun! I do have to go out anyway to collect a prescription so it’s not an unnecessary journey. What will be left on the shelves is anyone’s guess, but it’s mainly fresh produce that I’m going for and not the store cupboard items that most people are panic buying. 


I’ve just heard an interesting fact on the radio, on this day in 1979 a song went to No 1 and stayed there for 4 weeks:

the song in question was 


I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. Is there a hidden message there I wonder?


Stay safe, back later

Not a hidden message  but because of this..


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The disastrous SWMBO event has been cancelled and so I could have gone to the Ally Pally after all, rowlocks! I am making modern versions of crinnolene skirt supports, a framework that should keep “others” more than a metre away from the wearer. Problem 1 is that there is a shortage of Chinese bamboo and no one knows when the next shipment is being sent :mocking_mini:


I’m off out to avoid people, such as SWMBO....


Take care and be good everyone.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Have to be quick as I'm shooting off down to Tescoe's for supplies, bread and milk plus a few other bits. I'm planning to do the main shopping early tomorrow morning before sparrow fart and while the cockwombles are still snoring. I asked the local newsagent about having the paper delivered but they've stopped taking orders because a lot of people have had the same idea and in case there is a shortage of deliverers if the virus takes a hold.

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28 minutes ago, BlackRat said:

The worlds gone mad, mad I tell you.......

Are the powers to be deliberately about to crash the entire worlds economy? 

I cant help but think the results of the mass hysteria that is currently happening could potentially have far more disastrous results than the virus.


Having returned over a week ago from the Tirol....... With some symptoms, I contacted my GP, NHS111 ( repeatedly) GP again, several times and was just bounced about from one place to another, and 9 days after returning and still fluey I still have no answers to my questions.





I am inclined to agree with you. Certainly some sectors of the economy (including my own) are going to be severely impacted for a long time.


If you have come back from Austria, I think that the Govt medical advice is to self-isolate for 14 days.

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4 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

I thought up there it was common knowledge  that bears grabbed rabbits for that purpose.


Warm fur is the ultimate soft.


You've never had a kick in the bollox from a jackrabbit....


6 hours ago, TheQ said:

One thing that worries me is I'm due to retire in 2 years, Like many, the final pension amount will depend on an annuity . With the way the economy has crashed,  I don't think it will recover rapidly, though there will be a small bounce once the inital panic is over. We were coming up to being due another recession, as they occur every 10 years or so, however I think this one will be deeper than normal..



Hopefully, as you're close to retirement, the Pension Scheme will have been transferring into lower risk funds.  Yes, there'll be some pain, but hopefully no-where near as much as the rest of the stock market....

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