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Scale panelling on old coaches


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Years of experiencing difficulty in lining out some manufacturers etched coaches led me to giving this matter much thought when I came to etching my own. Initial test etches led me to adopt a certain width of raised panelling that would enable me to easily apply lining to it without the bow-pen falling off. On LMS coaches, two yellow and one black line has to fit on raised panelling. Whilst it worked for models in pre-1934 LMS livery, the 'beading' has always looked slightly overscale in my eyes when a coach has carried less elaborate livery such as unlined maroon or blood & custard.


A friend of mine adopted scale width panelling from the outset on his LSWR coaches because they were not being lined out. I intend etching some non-corridor pre-grouping coaches with scale panelling for my BR-period layout so I thought webbers might be interested to see developments?

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No wonder I can't find it in the Blogs then........


Would it have been better under 'Skills & Knowledge Centre> Weathering, Painting & Transfers'

but that's only because I don't seem to get along with Blogs, and the search facility.... However I can see the Blogs keep all the subject matter together with this sort of Chaff hidden..



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