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BR Class 02 Diesel Shunter in BR Blue?

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I am starting to think about painting my DJH kit of the above shunter. I am sure I read somewhere that the 02 never carried BR blue livery, but the DJH instructions provide an outline of a BR blue version.


Did the 02 ever have BR Blue livery? Three were coded for TOPS, but that of course does not mean that they carried the livery. Does anybody have any images or could they direct me to some?


Many thanks



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Hi Tom,


All were withdrawn in BR green, when renumbered 02001/3/4 they all lost their BR emblems. D2852 was to of been 02002 but was withdrawn at the end of 1973 and had been heavily dismantled at Allerton for spares.


02003 (Peter) & D2868 (Sam) were at LCP Fuels, Pensnett and were both painted blue. I later remember one of them been at Bescot Open Day freshly painted with BR arrows on the one side of cab and name or LCP logo on the other side.

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Hello thank you all for your helpful advice.



Thomas, those are lovely pictures of 02004. So is 02004 still in BR Green at this point?


This all of course makes me wonder where the BR Blue colour scheme came from that is illustrated in my DJH kit instructions.


For those that do not know the front stripes on the bonnet are identified as all being horizontal, as oppose to the normal graduated look of the wasp stripes. The example illustrated is 02004. Could have this been the Bescot open day livery? Or is it completely fabricated I wonder?

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Here are a few links to Sam and Peter at Pensnett in the mid/late 80s. And your correct no Class 02 ever worked for BR in rail blue.


Peter and Sam




Peter and Sam again


02003 in BR blue (LCP owned at this point) Painted up for Bescot open day


Peter actually working hard





Thanks to Mike H and Phil Bartlett for posting these on fotopic.





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