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Drewry Lane - Restoring a few "lost" photos


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  • 1 month later...



When checking back on threads I’d posted in I was somewhat surprised to realise the number of views on this thread had steadily gone up. I’ve no idea if it’s been one or many but there must be something on here of continuing interest, rather gratifying it has to be said so thank you whoever you are.


DL will be at the Stowmarket show at the end of next month. Always a good show and for me not without a certain poignancy as it was the much missed Keith Wright who originally suggested DL for a slot there as part of the DEMU presence.


So for obvious reasons you probably wont be seeing either of these two loco’s below. DL was always intended to be flexible in terms of time frame by changing the stock, the odd figure and the road vehicles, the last being something that inexplicably bugs me when people get it glaringly wrong.


The two loco’s in question are both Bachmann, a 57XX pannier done up as an early 50’s example with red plates. Which WR loco’s carried red plates seems to be one of those rather vague areas when it comes to hard info so I’ve probably got it wrong but I can live with that. Nothing very special about the 45XX except it has a sound chip, my first steam one. It’s not a specific 45XX sound file (does anyone do one?)but comes as “generic british†. It’s actually quite effective and will do until an accurate one appears plus people seem far less genned up on steam sounds than they are on diesel sounds. The chip is a Loksound 3.5 micro with the speaker mounted in the bunker. Both are really work in progress weathering wise as I need to get to grips with weathering the motion, brake gear and ashpans.




At the moment I’m using either a Lenz Compact and a Hornby Select as my controllers. Both horribly limited in their capabilities but easy to use and if they go up in smoke not exactly the end of the world. I’ve been considering an upgrade and there’s a few decent systems in my price range but a couple of people have pointed me in the direction of the Sprog. As I understand it it’s an interface box and software that uses your computer to do the hard bit. Eminently sensible for it would seem but I’d be interested to hear others opinions.


Stowmarket is DL’s last confirmed booking for the moment. It will have done 9 shows in 16 months so I’m quite happy with that as it hasn’t been over exposed and also made for a reasonable balance between doing Shows and everything else. If it never left home again I’d be pretty satisfied but we’ll see what happens.





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  • 5 months later...



As D.L. has come up in another thread perhaps timely to give a mention to the Soar Valley show at Loughborough on the 29th/30th Sept where it will be making an appearance.


Details here http://www.svmrc.co.uk/page4.php


Please say hello and if your luck's out you may get a controller pressed into your hand!





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When checking back on threads I’d posted in I was somewhat surprised to realise the number of views on this thread had steadily gone up. I’ve no idea if it’s been one or many but there must be something on here of continuing interest, rather gratifying it has to be said so thank you whoever you are.


DL will be at the Stowmarket show at the end of next month. Always a good show and for me not without a certain poignancy as it was the much missed Keith Wright who originally suggested DL for a slot there as part of the DEMU presence.


So for obvious reasons you probably wont be seeing either of these two loco’s below. DL was always intended to be flexible in terms of time frame by changing the stock, the odd figure and the road vehicles, the last being something that inexplicably bugs me when people get it glaringly wrong.


The two loco’s in question are both Bachmann, a 57XX pannier done up as an early 50’s example with red plates. Which WR loco’s carried red plates seems to be one of those rather vague areas when it comes to hard info so I’ve probably got it wrong but I can live with that. Nothing very special about the 45XX except it has a sound chip, my first steam one. It’s not a specific 45XX sound file (does anyone do one?)but comes as “generic british†. It’s actually quite effective and will do until an accurate one appears plus people seem far less genned up on steam sounds than they are on diesel sounds. The chip is a Loksound 3.5 micro with the speaker mounted in the bunker. Both are really work in progress weathering wise as I need to get to grips with weathering the motion, brake gear and ashpans.




At the moment I’m using either a Lenz Compact and a Hornby Select as my controllers. Both horribly limited in their capabilities but easy to use and if they go up in smoke not exactly the end of the world. I’ve been considering an upgrade and there’s a few decent systems in my price range but a couple of people have pointed me in the direction of the Sprog. As I understand it it’s an interface box and software that uses your computer to do the hard bit. Eminently sensible for it would seem but I’d be interested to hear others opinions.


Stowmarket is DL’s last confirmed booking for the moment. It will have done 9 shows in 16 months so I’m quite happy with that as it hasn’t been over exposed and also made for a reasonable balance between doing Shows and everything else. If it never left home again I’d be pretty satisfied but we’ll see what happens.





For what it is worth I would say forget the computer, after all what do you really want? to play trains or play on your computer! I would say go for somthing like the Gaugemaster Prodigy, it does it all, from just playing trains to Double Heading, Shunt Mode and to reading back chips so you can safely re code and revert to other settings should you so wish. It is a brilliant piece of kit, you wont regret it. P.S. NO CONNECTION WITH GAUGEMASTER just a very satisfied Prodigy user.
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Stu, for what it's worth regarding the continuing page hits - I come back to your thread every month or two for inspiration. I especially like your somewhat unusual approach to making a backscene - the long diagonal makes for a very unobtrusive transition compared to most methods. All in all it's a very appealing layout.

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Peter, I did end up with a Sprog and am slowly getting my head around it. I've been using it to simply get a grip on the intracacies of CV's and the like but not for driving. I'm sticking with my ancient Compact for that, I can cope with that.

Ken and Simon, thank you for that :-) I have a layout on Carendt.com that I keep going to look at for similar reasons. D.L.'s backscene came up in another thread and I've been a little surprised at the reaction it's generated, knew it was a bit odd but still.....

Got the layout in from the garage tonight. After evicting the wildlife it's had a clean and a test., wheel cleaning next :-(



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Hi Stu,


How do plan the operation of the layout? Do you just go along and shunt around, or do you have a plan you go by?


Im planing to make a very similar layout, just with a Danish touch. Just don't know what to do about the operation.


Regards Henrik

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Hi Henrik,


Nothing is planned. I start off with a couple of wagons on the layout. Then make up a short train of 2/3 wagons and drive it on, shunt the wagons to change them over and just keep doing that. I've got too many wagons so it's easy to use a variety. Hope this makes sense.


A Danish layout - that is unusual.



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Hi Stu,


That makes sence, I had just hoped you had some kind of a plan or program, when doing a session :)


Well, I'm Danish, so not that odd. Not sure that I will have any buildings on the layout, so I could make it German - or English, by just switching the rolling stock. I plan to have a road, where your scenic wall is, and use some cars from the Faller Car System.


Regards Henrik

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  • 8 months later...


The layout appearing at Wrecrail ( http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/63050-the-wrecking-crew-presents-wrecrail-2013/ ) in a couple of weeks time and I thought in need of a  bit of work. It had spent the winter in a leaky garage, now re-roofed, so what with that and general wear and tear it was looking a tad tatty. So it's been tidied up and had a  few minor changes to the scenery. I've also been playing with static grass but of the cheapo puffer bottle variety. Considering the whole enterprise cost me about £5 I'm quite pleased with the results. The fencing is fine netting from Hobbycraft which her Ladyship found for me and the posts.... Well having had problems  on St Jude with wooden ones which once broken were a pain to repair I've used a mix of plastic and square section brass which hopefully will be more durable. 









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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Morning Stu,


Really good to see Drewery Lane in the flesh so to speak at Wrecrail yesterday, 


It is a lovely layout full of atmosphere.


Sorry I didn't get a chance to come back and have a go operating it.


Hope to see more of it on here and out and about.





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Hi Stu,


Been a while since I caught up with your layout and have to say I am very impressed by the scene you have created and the atmosphere. I would like a small layout that could be taken to shows easily and even just to shunt a few wagons on and that has shown what can be achieved.




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  • RMweb Gold

.........don't worry, you won't get away next time..........



Is that a threat or a promise? :D


Thanks Stu. Yes, I look forward too it ;)


Keep the posts coming and something steamy would be nice





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  • RMweb Gold

and something steamy would be nice


wrong forum Mark :lol:


Great thread this...both layouts go to show that there is a lot to be said for simplicity.


Did you try winding the era forward to early BR Blue Stu?

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  • RMweb Gold

wrong forum Mark :lol:


Did you try winding the era forward to early BR Blue Stu?


What blue and steamy?! :O


This time of the morning :D


Seriously BR Blue could add another dimension to DL. An 03/08 pottering about with a Class 25 or Class 73 as well would work nicely.





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something steamy would be nice


There will be more steam at the next outing though quite when+where I've yet to get confirmed but there's at least 3 in the pipeline. Any preference for Western or Southern ???

 wrong forum Mark :lol:



Now now Pete though I was somewhat surprised Marc didn't get excommunicated for running his Hunslet on Poynton at Wrecrail.


BR Blue


On that subject a new layout should be at Shenfield in Sept which will be BR Blue though late 70's. The boards are done, track laid and tested and the scenery started. Boringly conventional  in format compared to Drewry I'm afraid but hopefully with the same ethos. One of the locos is here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/68907-tops-rail-blue-class-08/


That's it for the mo as I have an early morning appointment with the grandchildren and a big box of Brio railway :locomotive:  






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Thought I’d add the new layout to the existing topic rather than start a new one as this new effort isn’t a replacement for Drewry but rather a second cousin.. I’m probably  suffering from Bedlam George Syndrome – an irresistible urge to build something new.  There was some logic behind this though. A show manager had been urging me to do something new and Drewry had been drifting somewhat from it’s original idea of being either an early 60’s or mid 50’s layout depending on what was running.

So here’s Shelfe Street  - and I take full responsibility for the dubious name this time – but then it is 9” wide but a tad longer than Drewry not that you’d notice. It has a limited runround and ludicrously short sidings. One thing I learned from Drewry was irrespective of what the viewers thoughts the vast majority of operators, voluntary or press ganged,  enjoyed the shunting puzzle aspect and the ever present threat of painting themselves into a siding.  In format it’s boringly conventional in format  and there’s only room for minimal scenery which but that’s fine by me. Whilst Drewry had a sort of plausible back story Shelfe has none, it’s simply a late 70’s/early 80’s Rail Blue shunt plank.  Stock is being sorted out but the 08 I’ve done will give an idea of what’ll be run - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/68907-tops-rail-blue-class-08/

Track is Peco Code 75 which has been glued rather than pinned and uses the same system of point switching the Electrofrogs as Drewry as this has proved reliable and easy to use. Still a deal to do but while it has a debut date it’s reasonably comfortable timewise.  A few pics to give an idea of trackplan and progress to date. The scenery, what little there is, is formed from high density foam which is apparently used to insulate van and lorry bodies and which cuts beautifully and can be sanded fairly easily. And yes that is where the VW Combi is going…..









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  • 2 weeks later...


A brief update. Have the track ballasted and weathered and 75% of the groundwork done. A couple of pics to give an idea.





Shows for it so far are Shenfield in Sept, Broadstairs in Nov and Canterbury Jan 2015.




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  • 3 weeks later...

buffer stops are firmly fixed


Araldite, hopefully that'll be sufficient......!


After a bit of a concerted effort Shelfe is now more or less fit to be seen in polite company.  A few pics











A bit still to do in terms of the small details but the basics are done. The stock has been largely put together for this layout

with a mix of vac and AB stock. The idea was to use 08's as the main motive power with a couple of other loco's for a bit of

variety though while the 47 fits not sure it'll be that practical. We'll see.


Regarding Drewry if anyone fancies a go it'll be here http://www.bwwmrc.co.uk/exhibitions/StJohn13Oct/index.shtml




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