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WIP drawing of 16mm CMLR 'Princess'

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Hello all, I've been working on and off on an engineers drawing of the Campbeltown and Machrihanish Light Railway's Skylark class 0-4-2 'Princess' in 16mm scale.




Heres what we've got thus far, its gone better that previous efforts of mine in 4MM, which is why I choose 16MM to work in; its more forgiving. I should stress this is not for any construction project, I haven't the time, money, or experience to build my own locomotive, let alone anywhere to run it. This is just a 'see if I could' activity. The frames are 'okay' to my eyes, though I do realise that the trailing axle isn't centred, the tanks are perhaps too high and the Cab is ridiculously small. What are your thoughts, engineers of the community?  

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Are you making the model live steam or electrically powered?

Your drawing looks OK, I'm a pencil and paper man when it come to drawings.

This is a link to my 16mm project which is being built to run on a layout called "First Sunday In June". 



I think most people look at 16mm scale as something that is solely garden rail scale, but thing are changing.



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I imagine it would be live steam, well ideally, but I'd settle for electric happily. If I was to build a skylark, I'd envision building off of something, most likely, a roundhouse basic machine. As I say this is more about my graphical skills.



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