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Network Rail Holgate Depot-York

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  • RMweb Gold

I was in York this afternoon and chanced upon the Network Rail Depot in Holgate.  This was once the carriage works amongst other things but is now used by Network Rail to store and maintain their rolling stock.  


There is a piece of waste ground that looks over the works as well as the Freightliner maintenance yard.  It is also adjacent to the traverser pit.  This afternoon a Trackmobile was reforming a track grinder.  Here's a few shots of the rear of the grinder being moved on the traverser to be joined to the front half of the combination:








Fascinating stuff watching the traverser working.


Other stock around consisted of I think NR Falcons in the works behind a forklift, some snow ploughs being maintained and a great deal of pods for the Windoff Sandite units pictured below:








Hope these photos are of some use?  Lovely to see something different.





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