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Bachmann Bulleid Coaches where are they?


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Bachmann announced a long time ago that they where going to retool the Bulleid  coaches, since not a word about them?

Are they going to do them or rerelease them again?.


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Bachmann announced a long time ago that they where going to retool the Bulleid  coaches, since not a word about them?

Did they? They may well have done, but I may have missed it.


On his blog, Graham Muspratt included a discussion on Bulleid coaches back on January 10, 2014 including some speculation about whether Bachmann might re-release or retool their 1993 models.


At that time he did not indicate that there was a positive announcement that they would do so.


In the meantime we still have the SECR 60' Birdcage coaches and the Thomson corridor coaches to look forward to from Bachmann, neither of which have a published timetable for delivery.  Nor is there a timetable for the LMS 57' coaches but at least there are liveried prototype samples available.


Plus we are still waiting for the re-issue of the Hawksworth liveried GWR 60' Collett coaches (now scheduled for this Autumn) that were announced (I think) in the 2013/14 catalogue.


Bachmann has a lot of coaching stock to develop and produce before I think they are likely to revisit the Bulleid stock.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bachmann announced a long time ago that they where going to retool the Bulleid  coaches, since not a word about them?

Are they going to do them or rerelease them again?.


Bachmann themselves have NEVER announced retooled Bullied stock in 00 guage. What they have done is announce they will be producing retooled N GUAGE Bullied stock, thus leading many people to speculate that 00 versions would be announced a bit later on. This has yet to happen however and as such if Bachmann are releasing any more 00 guage Bullied stock in the near future it will still be from the old tooling.

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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed I can confirm that to date Bachmann have not announced any intention to upgrade the 00 Bulleid coaches. I also concur that new tooled N gauge  Bulleids within the Farish range lead to not unreasonable speculation that new versions might also appear in 00.

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Regarding the G.Farish 'N' Gauge / 2mm.Scale Bulleid coaches..... Has anyone taken the time to check their basic dimensions ?.....Bearing in mind, the shortcomings found in Bachmann's 'OO' Guage / 4mm. Scale versions.....

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