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SWD U Drive 47 Loksound 4 - auto uncoupling feature


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I spoke to Howes yesterday, and their sound guy, Brian talked me through a workaround for the Class 23 Baby Deltic.


My controller is ECoS 50200 so I have the uncoupler routine assigned to F16 and in latched mode, so I have to disengage once the operation is finished.

So the workaround is...

Once the loco is sitting at idle, a quick double press of the chosen F key (in my case, F16) followed by a latched press makes the 23 do what it should, ie: Engine ramp up, slight forward move, stop, reverse, stop, engine back to tickover.


One slight caveat, it only seems to work like that once, - subsequent tries are a bit random.


Brian, any thoughts?.....




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I've known about this feature of the V4 for a while but didn't realise just how useful it is until someone showed me recently. I have been experimenting with the settings in my 26 & 67 (the first locos that came to hand), with a view to rolling this out to my whole range. As you can appreciate that is quite an undertaking.


From memory neither the 26 nor 67 revved up inappropriately when uncoupling and did exactly what it says on the tin, so I'm not sure why it would do it on the WH37. I'll try it when I get a minute. My sounds incorporate a feature to allow users with centre-off controllers to change direction without producing unwanted brake releases or brake dumps and I suspect it might be related to that, but the 26 and 67 have that too so I'm not sure. If I get to the bottom of it I'll publish some suggested settings.





      After playing around with this again, I've found that the results differ depending on if the operating K key is set "latched" or momentary - as Bigal10 was informed by Brian/Howes.


Using your WH 37/4 as an example:


If the F key is set "latched" - the loco moves back/forward then ramps up and back down to idle


However if the Key is set "momentary"  as per Brian's work around to Bigal10 - a couple of quick taps and then hold the key down, the loco moves back then forward and stops with no ramp up of sound. One has to experiment on just how long the key is held down to get the required result, too long and it ramps up after stopping.



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Tried both momentary, and latched, and not quite sure if I can tell any difference, it may be very subtle, I'll have to keep playing!


Whatever the outcome, I still really like the sounds on the Howes chip, and the shuffle (or Waltz in Zimo land) is the icing on the cake!


I must persevere with my other LS4's and see if I can get them to work.



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  • 5 years later...


I’ve come to the party a bit late but find this topic exciting  and wish to attempt it.

Before getting stuck in, could you please clarify what you mean by resetting  index CV’s to 0 before proceeding further...

What index CVS are you referring to?



Edited by nelly
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