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Our New Music Video Please Check it out

Rob Hayes

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Hi all a few months back I was asked to join this band. I can't say publicly yet but have been given the go ahead to publish this here. I have Joined Sister Shotgun and very happy about it too.

This is our new Music Video "No Hope" Sadly I am not in it due to time and money constraints. But I hope you like the music and the Video I think its rather cool.


I know many of us Railway Modellers love a bit of Music and Rock in particular. So I hope you enjoy this.


If you do like it and want to help us out please share the video where ever you can on your Facebook or something like that please. Just don't mention my name with it ahah smile.png




Hopefully get my modelling projects back on the go soon. Cheers Rob :)

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Out of sync sound sometimes happens thanks to Youtube, and is one of those narks that afflicts a lot of uploaders and is nothing to do with the original video being wronly compiled.


Nice video - best of luck and hoping you have lots of success.

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