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Improving Pickup on Hornby LMS Single

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Hello fellow Forum members.


I am new around these parts and I have signed up because I have a question I would like to ask and I am hoping to receive some very helpful advice.


I recently purchased a Hornby LMS Single, the 1983 release. For those of you who do not know, this model is different from the post-2000 releases in a couple of ways.


First of all, the driving wheels do not have traction tyres. The driving wheels and the trailing axle are the ones that pick up power; the front bogie does not pick up power. I believe that it does in later releases.


I would like to add pick-ups to the front bogie, as the later models have, in an attempt to improve the currently horrible performance of this locomotive. Has anyone attempted this with their older Caledonian/ex-Caley Single (or GWR Dean single)? How would it be achieved?


I would like to add that as this is a limited-edition model, I don't want to have to drill or file anything, and I'd like the solution to be reversible. Soldering and gluing I can do, though. I have tried a crude solution with cut-up paper clips and some spare wire, but the paper clips keep being magnetised to the end of the motor, which sits just above the bogie's rear axle.


Thank you for reading.



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  • RMweb Premium

I have a 1970s version and understand. I suggest you look at tender pickup with metal tyred tender wheels instead. Bogie hard to do.



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I have a 1970s version and understand. I suggest you look at tender pickup with metal tyred tender wheels instead. Bogie hard to do.



Hi, Dava, and thank you for your reply.


That is a very good suggestion, but there is one issue that stops me from trying it - I blew $80 the model and I really don't want to spend much more money on it. I also don't want to go replacing bits like that since it is a collector's model.


It sounds like you've tried bogie pick-ups; if so what did you find particularly hard to do?



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Hello Keith,


In my tests it seemed to transmit power well - besides, I have some lead weights that I can manipulate. I'm going down to my local Club on Tuesday so we'll see what I can do there with some proper tools - one of the existing wires broke and I need some proper flux to use to repair the connection. (the flux I have at home is built-in to the solder)


I've had a re-think of my strategy and hopefully I can get it to work. It might make a good instructional topic?


The locomotive does have the Magnadhesion magnet but I can't wave a magic wand and convert my layout to use steel rail. ;)


By the way, I am sorry if it seems like I'm ignoring the very helpful advice being given, it's just that when I have an idea I'll pursue it until I have seen for myself whether it is feasible or not.



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