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SE Finecast W1 - Wheel fitting help

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Hi everyone,

Looking for a bit of help with the SE Finecast W1, its the as built version and for a first time kit builder its been fun! Went together well despite a few rebuilds.

But overall very happy with how its turned out to far.


Anyway. This week I got the loco and tender body finished. Now my attention has turned to the chassis for both. Both have gone together well enough and run fine but my issue is getting the chassis on the tender. The chassis is just a brass bent frame with the wheel axel going through the gaps however once built up the axel is the exact size of the tender sides so won't fit together. There is a raised part around the axle hole too which doesn't help.

I still need to put the axel boxes on the tender to I suppose I could feed them though that way but looks to be much trickier.


I assume I need to file a path through the raised section for the axels but wanted to check in first before I go ahead.


Appreciate all the advise.



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  • RMweb Premium

Do the axles sit completely on the brass frame? Ie the sides are entirely cosmetic. If they are, just file off the pin-points from the ends of the axles, and the body will just sit around them, the axles being held by the brass frame.


If the sideframes are retaining the axles you may need to build the body around the axles...


I've not seen the kit mind....


you could alwarys ring Dave at SEF and ask him, he's very helpful.


Andy G

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When the A3 kit was released the tender was designed so the wheels fitted between the frames, the axles locating in the holes with raised rims. This was carried through to the A4 tender and to both W1 kits. If the wheels you are going to use have the axles extending beyond the face of the wheels, after setting the wheel spacing remove the extended part of the axle. After this has been carried out the wheels should fit between the frames. Should you so wish, you could of course not use the brass sub frame and build the tender around the wheels as was the original pre-sub frame method of assembly.

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