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Identifying a Decoder


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Is it possible to identify the make and type of a Decoder by looking at it?


I have purchsed a Hornby 2008 70th Anniversary A4 Sir Nigel Gresley and it came with a DCC Decoder fitted, however, the vendor didn't know what make or type it was, as it was fitted by a previous owner.


Having never had anything to do with DCC before I would like to know what I've got and what I can do with it.



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  • RMweb Gold

I assume the loco runs fine on DC? If so, forget the decoder, since it is clearly configured as you wish. If you ever choose to go with DCC, then you have a loco to start with. A photo on here might enable the learned to identify a manufacturer.

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Thanks for that, I haven't had the chance to run it on DC yet, but will do soon.


I understand that the Decoder is in the Tender, as this model has Loco Drive, so when I can figure out how to open it I will put a photo of the Decoder on here.



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The easiest way to identify it is to take it to someone who has a DCC set-up (local model railway club?) & get them to 'read' the decoder with the programming features, then compare the numbers given with the list of manfacturers supplied by the NMRA.

The decoder should give two numbers - one it's Manfacturer's I.D., & the other what version decoder it is.

You don't have to dismantle the model, that way.

See this link :-


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The easiest way to identify it is to take it to someone who has a DCC set-up (local model railway club?) & get them to 'read' the decoder with the programming features, then compare the numbers given with the list of manfacturers supplied by the NMRA.

The decoder should give two numbers - one it's Manfacturer's I.D., & the other what version decoder it is.

You don't have to dismantle the model, that way.

See this link :-




Thanks for that, that's reall good info, thank you.  My local model shop had a dcc display layout so should be able to help.



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