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Loksound Now V4.3 - what's different ?


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I'm sure you've checked it, too, but ESUs website mentions nothing newer than V4.0. I wonder if this might be another result of Hornby's lackadaisical approach to proof reading. I could be barking. Up the wrong tree. :scratchhead:


woof woof !   Yep could well be just an error on Hornby's behalf -  sure the legoman will know about any revision though if there is indeed one  :yes:   The Lokprorg reads it as a V4.0  ?? and with old decoder firmware  hhmm

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On the ESU website 4.3.'X' refers to earlier versions of the software for the V4.0


The latest software update 4.4.20 is now available for download, according to my LokSound programmer.


Could Hornby have simply confused the two ?


My supplier in Germany still shows LokSound V4.0

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