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Blog- Maurice's Blog - "To begin at the ending"

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Paraphrasing Dylan Thomas is perhaps not common in model railway circles (To begin at the beginning...), especially for a fellow who tends to use literary reference to Thomas Hardy rather more readily.


While there is a hold-up (lack of energy and a cluttered workshop bench full of wood cut for some chairs to be made when the shingles struck) in making the baseboards for Tresparrett Wharf, a start has been made on the layout which is due to be exhibited at St Albans in January. The 'ending' being this sleeper built buffer stop that will make the end of the single siding on this diminutive S Scale project. While the plywood scape box was being raided I also produced the sleeper built front for the wharf (platform) and have enough material to hand to build a lower front edge for the passenger halt and a little waiting shelter to sit at the bottom of the access path.


The sleepers are already cut from plywood... so there is not a lot more I can do without making the baseboards.... 8weeks and 4days to go! The race is on!! However, I must not over egg the challenge as it is a very small layout... just 1400mm long and 200mm wide in the scenic department.






I can never understand why there are not more layouts based on "Under Milkwood". But don't be confused, Tresparrett Wharf is the next station up the line from St Juliot towards Otterton on the North Cornwall railway. Perhaps one day the two layouts will run together!

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