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eBay buyer weirdness

John M Upton

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  • RMweb Gold

Unless he's just a con man, a possible explanation might be that he has confused you with the seller of another item which arrived with no or too little postage.  Provided you have proof of posting and reasonable evidence that you put the correct postage on your parcel (e.g. the postage was calculated by the Post Office) then eBay should accept that.

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Great that the mystery is solved, but by deleting the OP and substituting a request to have the thread ignored and locked does nothing for anyone else coming across the thread. And probably will not get it ignored or locked either.


Agreed. Not knowing what the OP's question or statement was, I'll have to hazard a guess that the answer to your problem is obviously "seven".


Edit: ...or perhaps "Kuala Lumpur"?


Edit Edit: ...or maybe "cheese"?

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