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Dunbar historic station layout


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Afternoon all,


Does anyone have a diagram of Dunbar's original station layout? I've a modern Quail map image of its current layout but suspect there was once more to it. Failing that, if anyone has a description that would be grand too.


Having been there earlier, it struck me as an interesting prototype to model in either historic or current form with busy main lines passing the quieter station loop.



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An excellent resource for Scottish railway photographs and some plans is the RAILSCOT site. It has a section on most stations both historical and current, and the Dunbar section can be found here: https://www.railscot.co.uk/locationnew.php?loc=Dunbar


As you can see, it was quite a compact station prior to ECML electrification, whereupon it was necessarily butchered to permit the installation of OHLE.


Some more steam era shorts here:




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The National Library of Scotland has OS maps for the area for a number of years, such as the 25" series, which you can zoom in on and get a very good idea of the track layout, although occasionally the surveyors did make the odd mistake, but usually very easy to spot.

PM sent, I hope

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