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Bachmann speculation- announced sunday!


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Rather than say what we would want to see if Bachmann granted us three wishes, what do we think Bachmann are going to announce - restrict it to five items or groups and give reasons, not why in your opinion you think Bachmann should fill a particular gap.

Then we can compare notes after the event and see how badly wrong we got it - or even what we got right. No prizes, just bragging rights.


The Hornby topic went really well so hopefull this will follow the same vein, if fact I have borrowed some of Caledonians wordage to start this thread as he put it so well. (Hopefully he won't sue me for plagurism).

So to kick off for me I don't think we will see much more D&E than we are already waiting for as class 70 already announced. I also think the DB liveried 37/4 even though it is laid up is a given other than that not sure. Sorry can't comment on steam side as don't know enough about it.



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My money is on another third rail EMU. Obvious thoughts that spring to mind are a 4-BEP (just one carriage different from the CEP) or a 4-EPB (not that different from the 2-EPB already in production).


The CEP seems to have been such a popular product, after so many years of everyone saying "theres no demand" so I hope that I can finally run a nice busy third rail layout I've always wanted to but have been put off by being crap at kits (not necessarily the making, but definitely the painting).


A nice new 73 would be nice too but I think it's more likely Hornby will retool theirs than Bachmann bring out one from nothing. Having said that, there is a lot of "range duplication" already so it's not completely beyond the realms of possibility.


It'll be interesting to see how long it takes them to shrink the 4-CEP down to "N" gauge too... that might sorely tempt me too.

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A retooled V2 has got to be on the cards.


So that's my first wish.


I'd like also to see a Mk1 sleeper and further Mk1 variants BSO and FO.


Thirdly stretching it a bit after a comprehensive wish two would be a Jxx 0-6-0 of some description.


Four An A2/3 one of the last big motive power missing


Fifth suburban stock upgrade

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All new models announced in addition to the class 70: classes 03/04, 105 and 416 and the MPV, the IPA, JPA, MBA, MOA and autoballaster vehicles, and A2 and O4 steam locos. (Did I miss anything?) The contemporary stock list is fairly long, the steam era list very short, (and both steamers are expected to be on sale during 2010).


So it is reasonable to assume Bach will refill their steam pipeline, and maybe add a couple more pieces to the contemporary list. With most 'big engines' done something small black and six-coupled makes a lot of sense. There's any number of carriage and wagon subjects that would be logical aditions to their range, LMS non-corridor stock of some sort would be my bet. How about something 25kV EMU to round out the MU species list?

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Guest Max Stafford

If the rumours are true, I'd queue for six hours for one of the items.

It just depends on your standards really.



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I reckon that a Fowler 4F, GWR large Prarie, Met-Cam 101 DMU and maybe a Stanier 20T brake van are on the cards in the next few years, all of which fall into the widespread and long lived categories, plus the exisiting models of them are decidedly dated. The latter two I've got an especially strong feeling about as they've announced as new toolings in N, so theoretically a large part of the R&D work has been done.


Wouldn't be surprised to see a BR CCT in there somewhere either, especially now I've started my Masterclass one.



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I am really interested in the N gauge offering so here are the 5 things I would like to see (in no particular order).


New knuckle couplings (already announced) are ready and going on sale.


N gauge City of Truro


GWR Hall done to the same standards as the 00 version. (both of these would tie in niicely with the GWR 175 celebrations)


BR standard 4-6-0 (standard 4 or 5 would be fine by me).


GWR 4200 or 7200 8-coupled tank engine.

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  • RMweb Gold

BR Standard Class 3 mogul (using the tank underpinnings and boiler etc)



Failing that a class 2 mogul based on the Ivatt version, or maybe a standard 2 tank .......



Duke of Gloucester just to make sure Hornby get on with theirs laugh.gif



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Always difficult to know what to say at this 'end game' stage of proceedings. Although party to some well-based leaks in the past, I have become sceptical about the veracity of such leaks. I do wonder sometimes if Bachmann have a 'leak plan', some of them being factual, although those will probably include a range of options, and some of them intentionally misleading, the idea being to see what any reactions are to those leaks (primarily from trusted retailers), and also to see what routes any of their employees might be using for the leaks when news of those possible announcments appear in places like RMweb. Graham Hubbard and Merl Evans do like to surprise people, including their own staff sometimes!

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D11, well I hope they do anyway. With the O4 on the way it sort of makes sense, use the same tender moulding perhaps. I think the other 'tied in' loco the EM1/class 76 less likely given Bachmann's overhead electric antipathy.


That and the fact they had a long and colourful life with a vast geographic area covered by the various sub classes make for plenty of varients and liveries.



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  • RMweb Premium

In OO, here are those items I would like to see which may have a chance of appearing.


Since the 4-CEP is selling well, a 4BEP is the logical evolution, although personally I would prefer 4-CIG/4-BIG units.


An upgrade of the Ivatt 2-6-2T to be DCC ready is overdue. They are apparently working through their steam locos to upgrade the chassis so I might be lucky this year. Trouble is it still sells well without the upgrade so who knows... Perhaps a GWR 6400PT or 4700 in recognition of GWR 175 this year?


On the coach front, a Bullied BCK is long overdue too and they are already re-running the existing range so a good time to add to it, or MK2B and MK2C coaches to add to their existing MK2 range.


More generally, easier to access locos for DCC fitting and/or more DCC fitted locos would be good.

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A blue 37 with block headcode, poss in mainline blue too, new 47s in speedlink and RES an EMU is a cert, poss a 4 TC set, and lots of scottish based 37s as every other year so far!!!! i would like a new 45/46 with marker lights but i doubt that. What ever i like will be sound fitted i bet, ETH mk2s would be lovely

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I'm sure they will cash in on the GWR 175 anniversary celebrations, how though I am not sure, I am hoping for a heavy tank (42xx,72xx etc) since they are the only firm who would even be seen to consider such a move however I suspect it will be a 4-6-0 of some form even though that market is relatively crowded. I also wouldn;t be suprised if a small shunter of one form or another cropped up such as the 05/07 (sods law would state the 05 as I am finally making some headway on my A1 models kit! The other options that I would be feasible in the modern sector would be a new 59 as well as their 70 and a modern DMU/EMU desiro family or other generic family though.



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Rather than say what we would want to see if Bachmann granted us three wishes, what do we think Bachmann are going to announce - restrict it to five items or groups and give reasons, not why in your opinion you think Bachmann should fill a particular gap.

is what the OP said (my emphasis).


So, I've left the Frothimax pills at the clinic and I can safely say I don't think we'll see 180s and Desiros, any more than we'll get triple-packs of Hull & Barnsley vans each with a different running number and fridge magnet. Sadly we won't get a 40 worth a trip to the cashpoint, or retooled baby Sulzers, much as I'd love the Highland 24 in fleet quantities, either.


My five:

1) healed-up ends version of the Peak, because that variant was a) numerically most common, b] is a very easy and obvious gap to plug now the seamed nose has been perfected and c) coincides with the eighties era and others of their new items eg 47535

2) another run of 37/0 in unrefurbished condition in bread and butter liveries because both centre and split headcode versions were massively over-subscribed first time out

3) MkI sleeper, this would be a sensible addition and is now a very real gap - plus it should not suffer the same sluggish sales of the very ill-advised large production runs of things like Provincial livery stock, especially Brakes

4) a BR standard wagon long wheelbase chassis from the transition era, to enable Tube, Plate and other wagons, plus a decent standard 21T hopper and maybe a Blue Spot fish van to relieve the past-its-sell-by Dapol blob

5) a BR Standard 3


and of course Signature Scottish Steam wink.gif

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i gave the guy at Bachmann the annual bullying re a mk1 sleeper and BSO at glasgow, the response was that the sleeper will happen in due course but no timescale given as it is a full tooling needed as nothing apart from bogies, battery box and voltage regulator can be carried over. Will believe it when i see it. a BSO will be a handy coach as would a BFK

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There's any number of carriage and wagon subjects that would be logical aditions to their range, LMS non-corridor stock of some sort would be my bet.


Non-corridor stock is surely the next growth area, but has it reached that critical mass of common sense yet, that sort of 'you know it makes sense' moment?



On the coach front, a Bullied BCK is long overdue too and they are already re-running the existing range so a good time to add to it, or MK2B and MK2C coaches to add to their existing MK2 range.



Adding to ranges like the Bulleids (or Thompsons) immediately raises a problem - do you do the new introductions to current standards (and have people moanong they dont match), or completely retool the range?


I'm frankly doubtful we'll ever see Mk2b/c variants - they are superficially too similar to the early ones, and even new aircons could be dodgy


I dont know why, but the time doesnt 'feel' right for Bachmann to be introducing whole new ranges of coaches



Wouldn't be surprised to see a BR CCT in there somewhere either, especially now I've started my Masterclass one.


A BR CCT would make great sense, given the apparent popularity of the Limby one and the excellence of Bachmann's GUV


I think the other 'tied in' loco the EM1/class 76 less likely given Bachmann's overhead electric antipathy.


Is it a stated 'antipathy' as such? I know they're on record as saying not to automatically expect OO versions of the N gauge electrics, but is that the same thing?



What happened to rumour of the S & D 7f from Bachmann that had been floated around?


A good question, what does happen to rumours? They either become reality, or continue to be rumours :D


I think a pre-Group loco is definitely likely, but one thing is for sure - it will delight some and have others groaning 'why'...



4) a BR standard wagon long wheelbase chassis from the transition era, to enable Tube, Plate and other wagons, plus a decent standard 21T hopper and maybe a Blue Spot fish van to relieve the past-its-sell-by Dapol blob



The problem with wagons like these is they dont actually have a 'standard' chassis - the only thing in common there is that they're over 10ft wheelbase, and that's why they're becoming a sticking point as to RTR (that, plus the multiplicity of designs possibly contributing to an attitude of 'OK guys, which one do we do...')


Following on the logic though of the cattle vans, 20'9 AB stock and Presflos, I do think we'll see a few more of the obvious wagon-shaped gaps filled, both traditional and modern. There will also surely be more liveries on the Presflos, there are so many to go at




Since the 4-CEP is selling well, a 4BEP is the logical evolution, although personally I would prefer 4-CIG/4-BIG units.


I think it's too early yet for the CEP (and forthcoming EPB) to prove this section of the market has the staying power to support further units, especially given that Hornby's VEP could dilute it further


An upgrade of the Ivatt 2-6-2T to be DCC ready is overdue. They are apparently working through their steam locos to upgrade the chassis so I might be lucky this year. Trouble is it still sells well without the upgrade so who knows...


It does, and I'd suggest that the BR 3MT has neatly filled the 'small cute passenger tank' slot for a while now. As was said above, of the split-chassis revamps the V2 could arguably claim to be top of the list


Also loco-wise, further variations on the 204hp Gardner-engined theme wouldnt surprise me


Usual disclaimer - this is punditry, not clairvoyance; I could be way wrong...

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D11, well I hope they do anyway. With the O4 on the way it sort of makes sense, use the same tender moulding perhaps.




What about a J10? Or a J11?

Or even a D9/10/11...?

What about a real left field one; an N5?

Is there a theme here? :lol:

As for diesels? A CLASS 21/29 pretty please B)

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Is there a theme here? :lol:



Well, there's supposed to be. The OP did ask what we thought was likely, not what would make us wet ourselves :rolleyes:


(This is obviously what happens when other forums have an outright ban on frothing and wishlisting - it spills over on here instead ;) )

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... Is it a stated 'antipathy' (to electric locos) as such? I know they're on record as saying not to automatically expect OO versions of the N gauge electrics, but is that the same thing? ...

There was no antipathy, simply good business sense in looking at achieved sales. The position was that since the N gauge electric locos sold very poorly relative to the rest of the then existing N gauge range, no point making OO equivalents. (The unstated but implied underlying assumption being that the relative interest seen among N purchasers could be extrapolated onto OO customers, which seems reasonable.)

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  • RMweb Premium
Rather than say what we would want to see if Bachmann granted us three wishes, what do we think Bachmann are going to announce


I rather think it will be reliveries and reworkings rather than more brand new projects. Some of the current catalogue has been awaited for a couple of years now, not least the reworked Warships which slip back another couple of months every time they become due.


With the 04 and 70 already in the diesel pipeline, the 105 in the dmu works and the 416 (2EPB) on the emu list already it would surprise me to see major additions there unless Bachmann are going to be realistic and also tell us to wait around 2 years.


Picking five items which could be announced (and not taking account of my personal wish list in any way):-

1. 4BEP emu; as mentioned above this really only requires a single new vehicle and may be a popular extension of the already very popular CEP.

2. Large logo 37; very popular last time out and in a slightly depressed market they would be looking for good solid sellers.

3. Mk1 West Highland green / cream livery coaches either singly or as a pack; these have only ever been issued as specials before.

4. Class 116 dmu. An all-new project and something of a compromise between the clamour of requests for a 117, the more numerous 115 and the wider-ranging 116 types. A generic addition to the dmu catalogue.

5. SR S15 class; there are still gaps in the steam catalogue across all the Big Four so it's hard to pick one which might be a really strong seller but the S15 covers a lot of ground popular with modellers. Again an all-new project.

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