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Blog- The Fatadder's Workbench - Research for a charter rake

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A chance stumble across an old thread on Demu has revived interest in a project I started planning a while back,


One area that I find quite interesting to operate are charter rakes, the combination of all sorts of different traction with rakes of mixed coaching stock is rather appealing. At the moment I have in progress a full VSOE set (which will have an accurate formation of different coach types, and is more of a long term project). Along with a full Blue Pullman set (Although this still requires the 2 mk1 buffets painting).


Anyway the third project is based upon a set operated by Vintage Trains Limited based upon a set which was used for a charter in the South West with City of Truro and a green class 37 (believed to be 261)

The formation looks to be Loco: Mk1 break, Mk2 (not sure which diagram), Mk1 Pullman 2nd class, Mk1 Pullman kitchen, Mk1 break


While Vintage Trains predominantly operate steam tours, I have also found photos with their stock used with preserved diesels (having found a number of photos showing such operations on their website including a similar formation to the one I have planed (although it has lost the breaks and added a load more mk2s.) From this I will also add a pair of mk2d firsts in Intercity giving a couple of extra options.


This rake should be pretty simple to put together, other than the Bachmann Commonwelths being too narrow for proper wheels. The mk2s are going to need a few minor modifications to the paint (removing the Pullman names and then re varnishing) and a mk2 will need to be sprayed up to match them.

The handy thing with this rake its ideally sized to fit in Bodmin (whereas both the VSOE and Blue Pullman rakes are way too long!)


Some photos to finish things off for now:


First off 50049 with a longer rake

City of Truro and the 5 coach set


Another of City of Truro


And another


Finally a couple of shots of the coaches themselves

Mk1 Pullman Parlour Second 353 (TOPS Number 99353)


Mk1 Pullman Parlour Second 349 (TOPS Number 99349)







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