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Blog- ewsjo's Blog - Lift Support

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Well, yet again, I start by realising how long ago it was I last updated the blog. Come to think of it, how long ago it was I last did some proper modelling!

At Warley I picked up a Kibri kit for a rail crane. Although not a design in use in the UK, it's similar to the large Kirow cranes in use on engineering work over here. It is an expensive kit (the £29.95 I paid was a knock down price, some websites list it at up to US$130!!!) but does go together well. I plan to paint it up in Grant Rail orange and blue - was in Hobbycraft the other day comparing a photo on the internet on my phone with the Tamiya colour rack!



Here is the support wagon - these size cranes seem to run with anywhere between one and four support wagons, depending on the individual crane. This is a Farish Freightliner flat, modified with some Evergreen I-beam to create the side rails and buffer beams. The over hang is meant to be some kind of step over the buffers - may fit a TPM etched ferry walkway on here if I can find them in my boxes of bits. The I-beam has had the inside projection removed on the lower edge because otherwise it clashed with the angled bars on the underframe. The small ladder was soldered up from wire, and the one up the side of the mess and stores container is N Brass signal ladder soldered to a piece of wire to mount it. I mounted the hadbrake wheels by cutting a length of wire the width of the wagon, soldering a hand wheel to each end and after it's glued into a groove under the wagon, bent to shape to the right height. Can you tell I've been practising with the soldering iron recently? http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif





This isn't strictly an update from the kitchen table either, since the table is currently in the living room while the new kitchen is fitted! Once it is, and the garage is clear of cupboards and white goods, I'll whack a coat of primer on the whole setup, and the 59 underframe

'til the next time





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