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I don't think i've had a thread on our group's layout in the current incarnation of RMWeb, so it's probably about time I gave it a go!


RS Tower is our exhibition layout, and we're available for shows across the UK, the layout is designed to showcase big US railroading with long train lengths and large motive power consists the norm.


The group is also developing a modular railroading standard based on Freemo/Fremo specs, this is compatible with RS Tower and can also be seen on the exhibition circuit either with the main layout or on it's own.


Yesterday's work session found some new technology on test, Neil Roper had delivery of this Norfolk Southern 3GS21B gen set, we took a couple of photo's near the Big Donut plant.




It's pretty huge for a 4 axle loco, it's the same length as an SD45! The model is by Overland.




It's due to enter revenue service at Alexandra Palace at the end of the month, where conveniently we're running "post millenium" railroading! smile.gif


I took delivery of something a little more humble, and (well it will be) a little less shiny too - an Indiana Harbor Belt SW1500 (Athearn RTR) - since this builders photo was taken it's had it's couplers changed, a TCS T1 chip dropped in and a subtle coating of grime added. This one should also be out and about at the London show. smile.gif



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I don't think i've had a thread on our group's layout in the current incarnation of RMWeb, so it's probably about time I gave it a go!




So pleased you've cranked it up again. These handful of images show off a feeling of reality, very nice work indeed. Your choice of power here, I'm all over it, but you know that anyway. :P :P :P


Cheers, Tony

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Thanks guys, thought you'd like that one Tony :)


I think we'll probably be rostering a Trainman one or two as well, but details seem to vary a lot between the real machines. This one has a very nice see-through effect on all the side grilles which I don't think the Trainman one will share, and the handrails are finer too looking at photo's of the Trainman one - plus specific details (air conditioner for example) are nicely railroad-specific on the brass version. :)

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  • 5 months later...

Feels like ages since I updated this thread, but only a few months in fact!


So what's been going on - well Ally Pally has obviously been and gone. In some ways it was a pretty successful show for us, in others not so much. We had a frustrating issue on the Saturday in that we were continually tripping the thermal cutouts on the Lenz kit (a combination of it being swelteringly hot in the room and us running on a lower voltage than normal it turns out) - we'd sorted that problem out by the Sunday but on Sunday suffered from staffing issues, some of that was definately the heat but I think we could do with better training on how to run things, for our "core" group. We do still suffer from that "big layout" problem of it spending most of the time in storage and us not playing (practising!) on it enough!


However, all that said we had a lot of good comments, we ran a lot of trains for a lot of people who watched, and apart from that overheating issue the layout was very reliable again.


We've done what seems like very little on the main layout since, we're experimenting with static grass to improve the ground cover, we're still working on signalling it as well. We've lowered the backscene in the middle portion of the layout by about 3" to make it easier for our shorter operators to work on (and that will also allow us to shorten the storage/transport racks by a similar amount so reducing the storage space we need a little)


As we were a little short staffed this year we did Exeter show with an end-to-end collection of modules instead of the main layout for a change, we managed to design a layout specifically to fit an awkward corner of the hall (although we had plenty of folk commenting how lucky we were that we found somewhere for such an odd-shaped layout to fit!) - as well as the curves, Dale Yard and Oakdale that were used with the layout at Ally Pally we debuted Gillsburgh (a roughly 12x7' loco depot module by Ian Smith), two 90 degree curves that are also single to double track modules and the rather clever "RSX" from Mike Warren, which is an 18" x 20" module (or really a modular-capable diorama!) of a flat crossing with tower that can be used either as a single or double track module!


Full setup for Exeter 2010 is as below - whilst it was only really capable of running short trains between the 8' long Sterling and Dale yards at the ends of the route it did work out at a fairly impressive 56' long main line so there was a decent run on offer.




With that behind us and talk with Dave of maybe doing something more impressive with the main layout and modules next year we thought we'd push the boat out see how far we could take the modules concept. We've got a lot of modules from within the group either on the way or already built, we've several more under construction (my own "Alpha packaging" module thread can be found here: http://www.rmweb.co...._1entry192619)


Dave has now agreed the plan, so we're now committed to turning up to Exeter 2011 with a 30' x 42' layout and our aim is that all modules should be at least "presentable" even if not "finished" - in terms of modules that means quite a large job, albeit spread over lots of people! :


Sterling - under construction

Curves - scenery work

Swing Bridge - under construction

Alpha - under construction

RSX - built, some scenery work

Depot curve - scenery work

Mel's junction - under construction

Dale Yard - 8' extension under construction

Gillsburgh - scenery work


The 8' extension to Dale Yard should give us 10' on even the shortest of Dale's yard tracks, the aim is that two tracks doubled together gives us a 20' main line train from our "green" line, so for the first time we should have at least some main line trains running over the modules - in addition to that the passenger station should let us keep up a regular push-pull passenger service and the local freights and transfer freights needed to distribute the switching cars should keep the "branch" fairly busy.


Gillsburgh's turntable (albeit not a big one) and track space should let us base a steam excursion train out of there, the 90' table will just take something the size of a small tendered Mountain.


It's ambitious certainly!



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  • RMweb Gold

That's quite some logistical challenge you've got there - ambitious indeed. I didn't make it to Ally Pally this year, one of the first I've missed in a little while but I look forward to catching the layout one of these days.

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Interesting read Martyn, appreciate the update. I'm very interested in what you guys are doing for Exeter and have a couple of questions that have sprung to mind.


Your club members 'Freemoesque' designs, style or whatever of their modules. Can these modules be fitted any which way or is there some prototcols that force certain modules to match with other (the same) modules everytime the whole enchilada is assembled.? Or are there others that 'work' with all the modules, thus giving a freedom of expansion anyway you would wish...? As you have expressed in your Exeter planning.


Given that, how does the scenery and modellers style of work per their own module match with other modules, or don't they...?


Intrigued from NC,


Cheers, Tony

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Hiya Tony, there's a page on here with our specs: http://rstowerfreemo...specifications/


They are a distillation (based largely on KISS principles) from US Freemo specs: http://www.free-mo.org/ and the US outline but European based Fremo specs (sorry it's in German, I have seen these in English but can't find the page at the mo): http://fremo-net.eu/...0-usanormen&L=6 - both of those have aims towards the prototype and operations rather than the demand to build ovals that drives some other module systems.


Basically we looked at both Freemo and Fremo and neither suited our needs exactly, and as nobody was using either in the UK at the time we decided there wasn't much point in just blindly adopting one of them either.


The US ones we thought had over complicated specs, the boards were a little large to be easily portable, the main line minimums (48" rad curves) were a bit on the large size for practicality and they used unneccesary loose rails to join modules.


The Euro ones were set up with the assumption they would be operated with branchline-esque trains, so too small main line minimums (24" rad curves, sharp turnouts allowed) and the like.


So, with the help of DCC we simplified the wiring over both those systems, went for a 3' min radius as a compromise between efficient use of space and looks, used the double-track standard from the US setup to allow for variable length passing sidings and set the running height to match RS Tower. We kept the basic concepts from both that there was no fixed dimensions or alignments apart from at the module ends - so far all of our curves have been rather geometric but that's useful in terms of fitting it into a fixed space, it's also driven by some future thoughts on return loops (another way to allow long trains over the modules!)


We do continue to be inspired by what some of the US guys are doing with Freemo though, some very nice module sets out there!


Can these modules be fitted any which way or is there some prototcols that force certain modules to match with other (the same) modules everytime the whole enchilada is assembled.?


They are fully modular, any modular end can connect to any other modular end, so you can assemble a layout in any way you like, there are no backscenes so curves or junctions can work in either direction.


The standard is for an 18" board with a centred track (9" from each side) or a double track 20" board with two tracks, 2" centres, each one 9" from each side. Theoretically we could tweak the dimensions in the same way to create a triple track modular end but so far there's been no demand for it.


Obviously it's better if a double track end meets another double track end, but it will still work with only one track going onwards if you really needed to, there will just be a "step" in one side of the baseboard.



So there's not really any fixed way to set them up. Having said that there are practical limits to how you can connect them and make a working railway though, for example at Exeter it would have been a bit pointless to have Dale Yard, Sterling Yard and Gillsburgh together at one end then all the plain track modules at the other as trains wouldn't have had anywhere to go. smile.gif


It's not always about big trains either, you can go minimalist as well, Neil Rogers is at Andover show next month with just his Dale Yard (8' version) and Oakdale modules, effectively it will be running as a small switching layout with Dale acting as visible staging.


Given that, how does the scenery and modellers style of work per their own module match with other modules, or don't they...?


There is a spec for end profile so you won't suddenly get half a mountain, but there is no fixed spec for scenery. However, from within the group we do have an internal standard that we put at least a strip of ground of our standard ground cover colour at the end of each module, whilst "exact" matches are too much to hope for it makes it close enough to not jar visually when you see them together, a few photo's:


Here's a shot from Ally Pally, in the foreground is the Farm curve, then Dale Yard, Oakdale and the endscene (all Neil Rogers modules) - the


A couple from one of our open houses, this is crossing curve in the forground, just before the silo's in the top right is the joint to Farm Curve


Same train a little earlier, the bridge module is "Dale Creek" by Liam Rogers, the joint to Farm Curve is underneath the flatcar



It does help that we're all modelling the midwest I think, so a "basic green" covers a multitude of sins. ;)

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And the standard is so straight forward that it has inspired others, like myself, who are at the far end of the country, to use them, even if there is little chance my modules will ever meet up with the mothership, as it were.


My only reservation, (and its a tiny one!) is that the roadbed at the end profile is 3mm (1/8") rather than 5mm (3/16") which seem to be more readily available.


Mel's crossing and crossovers look very similar to my Badger Creek sub!

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Mel's crossing and crossovers look very similar to my Badger Creek sub!


LOL - yes I thought that when he drew them Jon! smile.gif


Ref 1/8th track base - i'm using balsa which isn't too bad to get hold of (well, I bought a load today so I presume that's the case elsewhere!)


The other way to go if it's a problem might be to drop the boards slightly and put a shim up to the normal board height on the ends, remember it only needs to be 1/8th at the module end?

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I thought of both those options. With my foam boards dropping the board interior isn't a problem. For now, i have enough 1/8" cork tiles, but when they're gone...


What dates is Exeter 2011? I might see if I can get a cheap flight.



(Who missed out on WSOR 3806 on ebay the other night. It was got by a sniper!)

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4th & 5th June Jon - you'd be very welcome if you can make it.


Bad luck on the WSOR loco, not easy to pick that kind of thing up over here. sad.gif



Hmmm.. I'll see what I can do.


yes - missing the GP38 was a pain. Wish Atlas would re-run them. The nice people at the WSOR store are sending me an MP15ac though, so can't be too downhearted. They have an excellent deal going if you buy 4053 and an MP15ac - $140 the pair. Unfortunately i only saw this after I'd bought the SD40-2 over here

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  • 6 months later...

Haven't updated this for ages - so here's the official press release! ;)


The RS Tower layout will be appearing at the Exe MRS’s Exeter model railway exhibition in 2011 along with fourteen Freemo modules, most of which have either never been seen in public before or have been altered or upgraded since the last time they have been shown.



The RS Tower layout along with the modules will allow us to create a “walk around†layout design with around 120’ of scenic layout frontage showing many aspects of 1980s/90s US railroading in the Midwest, our usual lengthy trains will be in evidence at RS Tower and the modules will form a linear branch line from there to Oakdale via an expanded Dale Yard. Dale will be in use as a full classification yard for the first time, breaking up and building trains for various destinations on the layout.



Also being demonstrated will be our own interpretation of the car card and waybill method of traffic generation, as well as train dispatching (movement authorisation) by radio, both of which are things rarely seen at UK exhibitions.



We’ve never shown a layout this large before, and this will be a very rare chance to see such a large layout from our group as it involves a lot of preparation work and a large team of volunteers beyond our core group.



We’d like to thank all our volunteers for their efforts, but particular mention should be made of the guys from the NMRA’s Western Union group in Plymouth for their assistance, advice and loan of their radio’s.



Whilst RS Tower and some modules will be attending other shows during 2011 this show will be your only chance to see our layout and modules in such a large setup and with such an emphasis on operations, a rare opportunity at a UK model railway exhibition.



The Exe MRS show will take place on June 4th and 5th at the Matford Centre, Exeter. For more details see their club website at http://www.exemrs.co.uk/



Lots of work going on with the module building (all now exist and work, which wasn't the case when we started the project!) - we're also upgrading the scenics as well and that should mostly be done by Exeter.


Once we get Exeter out of the way we have three more outings for RS Tower during the year, during August we're at Pecorama for their festival of steam - we've not run RST as a transition era layout before but I think we'll be giving it a go for that one.


Then in October we have two shows in quick succession - a long trek up to Barrow-in-Furness will be the furthest North we've got so far, and the weekend after we're on the south coast at the NMRA convention in Bournmouth! :blink:


Busy busy busy!



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  • 6 months later...

Just a heads-up for anyone coming to Pecorama for their steam gala do at the weekend, we will be in the gallery with RS Tower and a handful of modules all weekend, and just for a change we'll be in transition era guise for the first time to (hopefully) complement with some (little) big steam of our own!


And then in October we're travelling North to Barrow for the Furness MRS show for some modern day heavy hauling action, and then to the NMRA convention.


Watch out for a little promo piece in an upcoming edition of CM as well.


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Look forward to seeing you there Willy. :)


Despite some awful traffic (Bank Holiday Friday + Appalling weather = AAARGH) we got it all set up and mostly working with just a couple of niggles to correct in the morning - just have to stock it and start playing trains.


It's a lovely room and we have real steam loco's passing the door every couple of minutes as well! :)

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