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Live chassis & dcc in o gauge

Simon Moore

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OK dcc gurus I need your help.


I've got a commission job in & I've got a milled chassis with cast wheels which are insulated on 1 side only. The model is mainly white metal.


Is it dccable & I'd so what kind of ampage will it need to run.


I know nothing about dcc but I'm trying to save the customer some money before he buys some slaters wheels which are full insulated.





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Hi Simon


It would help if you would tell us what loco it is and what type of motor is fitted.


You can measure the current draw of the existing motor with a test meter - this will determine the type of decoder to use.


If the model is running satisfactorily on DC there should be no need to change the wheels unless they are not suitable for the type of track the model is to run on.



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Hi Simon,


I have several loco's with live chassis, and they have converted without any problem, it's just doubly advisable to keep all connections heat sleeved, similarly be careful when testing if you are waving power leads about as a splash with the wring lead across the chassis can wipe the decoder out. Test on the track or a rolling road.


You don't say what gauge the loco is, you will need to get some idea of current draw to establish the decoder you need so maybe that's the staring point. Any idea what the motor is?



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